
Re: Good Friday me hoop !!!
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sat 11 Apr, 2009 9:36 AM Quote
fenchurch wrote:
Alright, fair enough, I get what you mean. But think about it, do you complain when you get Christmas presents?

Not per se, I do not like recieving presents(I get embarrassed by it) and I would gladly swap my presents not to go through the shite that is Christmas (check my posts around Christmas time). That is kinda my point. Christmas is no longer about Christianity it's outdated plus it was never a Christian festival to begin with, it was the midwinter festival to celebrate the days becoming longer (nothing to do with any religion), that is where the Yule Log comes from. People thought they were through the worst and would celebrate by throwing the biggest log they had on the fire, it was hijacked by pagans and later the Christian church and adapted to fit their needs. It's like Easter in that way, where exacly in the bible do chocolate eggs and bunnies appear ??? Or is it perhaps a fertility thing, I mean how many times did Jesus die since we celebrate on a different day/month every year.

Eddie explains it.

Re: Good Friday me hoop !!!
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Sun 12 Apr, 2009 3:19 PM Quote
Helen *the original* wrote:
I'm off to the rugby to watch Salford get trashed, woo! Full of a cold, hungover and other stuff, yey today should be a great day for me too!

Salford City Reds 18-16 Warrington Wolves !!!!

Whoo Hoo !!!

Did Friday get better for you ???

Re: Good Friday me hoop !!!
Helen *the original*
Posts: 789
Helen *the original* Posted Sun 12 Apr, 2009 3:53 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Helen *the original* wrote:
I'm off to the rugby to watch Salford get trashed, woo! Full of a cold, hungover and other stuff, yey today should be a great day for me too!

Salford City Reds 18-16 Warrington Wolves !!!!

Whoo Hoo !!!

Did Friday get better for you ???


Ha ha, can't believe you checked. Oh it was such a great game, real nail-biting finish and so exciting! It made up for so much from the day before!
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