
Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Fri 24 Oct, 2008 8:29 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
Oasis' 2009 stadium tour broke all box office records when it went on sale this morning, selling a staggering 500,000 tickets by 3.00pm. We've had to scramble to put additional nights on sale in both London and Manchester after the band's two night runs at London's Wembley Stadium and Manchester's Heaton Park sold out in hours. Oasis first ever trip to Sunderland's City of Light Stadium has also sold out already.

NEWSFLASH: While writing this mail we've just learned that Oasis' Slaine Castle concert had sold out by 4.00pm. This makes it the fastest ever selling show at this venue ahead of U2!!

Kasabian and The Enemy will be special guests on all UK shows. According to Noel, "These gigs are going to be easily the gigs of next year, if not the decade. They are gigs that go down in people's memories".

The third Manchester and London shows are selling fast and only a very limited number of tickets remain for Cardiff, Edinburgh and Dublin.

We can also let you know that Oasis will also being playing a show at Coventry's Ricoh Arena Stadium with The Enemy supporting on Tuesday the 7th July . This final show on Oasis 2009 summer tour does not go on sale until Thursday the 30th October at 9.00am.

Who got tix?

In other words.


Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Fri 24 Oct, 2008 8:33 PM Quote

No need to get so angry.
*pats Darran on the head*
Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 1635
Chiito-chan Posted Mon 27 Oct, 2008 6:37 PM Quote
The last tale from the middle of nowhere:
Yes people. We're on the bus. Leaving the Wales. Heading back to London. Cardiff, the shows and the people were brilliant. There was quite a bit of violence at both gigs. Not nice. Can't those fuckers take it outside. Or at least sort it out in the car park before the gig? Just a thought.

We did have much fun though. Caught up with Rhys and The Peth. Lovely, lovely lads.

The Roundhouse is up next. For them Electric Proms. With a 50-piece choir. Rehearsals were immense. Celestial in fact. I wish you could all come along and hear it. There's always YouTube though, eh?

By the way, if any of you got involved in any of that ticket buying business yesterday I thank you from the bottom of my guitar case. Can't speak for anyone else but I promise that I'LL be brilliant at those shows. Saying that - who knows where we'll be next year? There's plenty of time for the shit to hit the fan before then, eh?

In a bit.

Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Mon 27 Oct, 2008 6:44 PM Quote
Chiito-chan wrote:
The last tale from the middle of nowhere:
Yes people. We're on the bus. Leaving the Wales. Heading back to London. Cardiff, the shows and the people were brilliant. There was quite a bit of violence at both gigs. Not nice. Can't those fuckers take it outside. Or at least sort it out in the car park before the gig? Just a thought.

We did have much fun though. Caught up with Rhys and The Peth. Lovely, lovely lads.

The Roundhouse is up next. For them Electric Proms. With a 50-piece choir. Rehearsals were immense. Celestial in fact. I wish you could all come along and hear it. There's always YouTube though, eh?

By the way, if any of you got involved in any of that ticket buying business yesterday I thank you from the bottom of my guitar case. Can't speak for anyone else but I promise that I'LL be brilliant at those shows. Saying that - who knows where we'll be next year? There's plenty of time for the shit to hit the fan before then, eh?

In a bit.


seriously, i love that man.
Yes, sort out your violence in the car park before the shows!
And "from the bottom of my guitar case" is genious.
And i love that he has already said that he will be brillant. And I agree, 1 year is a long time in the life of oasis. they will probably have broken up 9 times between now and those shows.
Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Mon 27 Oct, 2008 6:45 PM Quote
Next Up.....


2 nights with Darran. Noel can't wait.
Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Mon 27 Oct, 2008 6:53 PM Quote
Darran wrote:

2 nights with Darran. Noel can't wait.

that sounds a little dirty, just sayin.
Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 1635
Chiito-chan Posted Mon 27 Oct, 2008 7:25 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
Darran wrote:

2 nights with Darran. Noel can't wait.

that sounds a little dirty, just sayin.

Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Thu 30 Oct, 2008 7:56 PM Quote
I missed this one. Sleepy time for the sheeps and cows. he he. Also, i like when grown men say "choo choo train."

Now then. Hello there. I'm on a choo-choo train. On my way to Cardiff. I travel alone today. Sitting in silence. People watching. Perfect. I've got that bastard cold, see? Have you?

Bournemouth was odd. Strange clientele (I thought so anyway). Good shows though (I thought so anyway).

Just stopped at Reading. No one got off. No one got on. Just got a COFFEE from the "buffet trolley". I'm not much of a fan of coffee. Too middle class for me. But as I won't be served tea by anyone other than my missus, "coffee" it is.

Just stopped at Swindon. A person got off. Couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman. They was too fat, y'see?

The scenery has become more green. it's nice, innit...the greenery? A couple of lads just come to say hello. They're going to see the gig, they say. So am I. They're already on the piss. Nice enough lads though.

That "coffee" was shit by the way. Better than the tea I expect though.

Why do trains do that thing? They all of a sudden go from 1,000mph to walking pace for 20 minutes. Why? Is it sleepy time for the cows and sheeps or summat? We're going REALLY fast again. Why?

We're stopping at Bristol. Let's see what happens here then, eh? Hmm..not a lot. 2 more stops to go. Newport and then Cardiff.

I'm bored now. Fuck all happened at Newport.
Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 1
plastikina Posted Fri 31 Oct, 2008 4:18 PM Quote
Wow. 21 February ... Treviso ... amazing! I'll go there
Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 1635
Chiito-chan Posted Fri 31 Oct, 2008 9:07 PM Quote

Yes brothers and sisters. What a beautiful morning, no? It is where I am. On the way to Heathrow Airport that is. On the way to Belfast. Are you coming?

That Roundhouse gig was fuckin' far out. Those were there will tell you. James Bond! He was there. As was Russell Brand. Who incidentally has caused what seemingly has turned into a major shit storm. A sad sign of the times, I'm afraid. We live in a country where fat ugly columnists can somehow dictate to the rest of us what we should and shouldn't think. Who gives a shit anyway? Me? You? Max Clifford? And as for the 10,000 people who it took 5 days to be offended??......... go back to your coffee morning crosswords and fade to grey. Anyway, ask him he was there.

Just landed in Belfast. Pissing down. Still a bit fucked from Sunday. Gotta stop this drinking until breakfast malarky. Right I'm off.

In a bit.


PS. My bags have gone missing. AGAIN!!

He said "James Bond is upstairs, I might see if I can blag it so that he can get me the next James Bond theme tune instead of f*****g dopey Americans doing it all the time"... "He's Bond, James Bond" hahahaha.
Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Fri 31 Oct, 2008 9:28 PM Quote
Sadness previals.
Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Fri 31 Oct, 2008 10:03 PM Quote

"I used to go on the Russell Brand show." aww.
Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 3572
Rammsfer Posted Fri 31 Oct, 2008 10:42 PM Quote
Oasis at Arena VFG, Guadalajara, Mexico
11/28/08 <3!

28 days :]
Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 1635
Chiito-chan Posted Sun 02 Nov, 2008 6:46 PM Quote
the last tale from the middle of nowhere:

Arright. What to say? Not a lot happening at the minute. The boys are on their way to Aberdeen. I'm on my way to Dublin. Got some interviews to attend to. Which pretty much amounts to being asked some very heavily loaded questions about U2/Bono. We've all been in Belfast the last couple of days. Somewhat predictably the gigs were great.

I went to see that Giant's Causeway thing and I can report that it's still there!

Can't believe that non-story involving Russell and Jonathan is STILL rumbling on. How is it that a talented handsome devil loses his job because of The Daily Mail and a “Satanic Slut” gets rich because of The Tabloids? That's the English and its media for you, I suppose.

And yes, my bags did eventually turn up.

In a bit.

Re: Hey Hey Oasis Fans: NEW tour dates
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sun 02 Nov, 2008 8:57 PM Quote
I just came here to post that! You beat me to it!

And also, the Giant's Causeway looks really cool and I want to see it one day.
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