
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 4:27 PM Quote
Yes, for example, without Scotland who would England carry out dummy runs of taxations on. Ha!
Re: Scottish Devolution...
1/3 of Suggestive Leg
Posts: 561
1/3 of Suggestive Leg Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 4:29 PM Quote
And what would England do with all the extra money from not having to support as many areas of lower income? They might as well get rid of Wales too.
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 625
Joe Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 4:32 PM Quote
Spare me the lectures on racism.

Firstly, if the English are so Xenophobic (a missuse of the word, as I've hardly got an irrational fear of foreigners), why is it that you don't see us out in the street burning flags?

Secondly, if being independant means bowing over to another group of foreigners, the end result is the same: you get told to sit down and do as they say.

Thirdly, I don't get my tartan in a twist when my French friends call me Rosbif, you should take a chill pill. Far too many people try to victimize themselves, which is what pushes the everyday Joe Public (pun intended) to lose patience.

Fourthly, if you went out into the real world, you'd realize that most other Brits views Sctosmen as just just that: Scotsmen and Brits. It's the same as an Italian calling a Frenchman "French and European".

Last, but not least, being for or against the E.U. is nothing to do with Xenophoobia; it's about having the choice of what to do with independance (ring any bells).
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 5:08 PM Quote
I think you've got an incorrect view of what everyone sees scots as (in your words, brits = scots and vice versa)
Thats untrue - why else do you think that when any non-brit refers to britain, especially in the states they say "England" - I'm going to "England" for a holiday and I'll be spending most of it in the Highlands...oh and I can't wait to see edinburgh too - England is really great:D
No wonder no one understands where Scotland is because England never rectifies that.
We will gain so much by getting rid of your nuclear power factories and hanging onto our almost 100% naturally powered stations, and getting rid of your nuclear weapons and 'tax tests'.
England has a pretty bad idea when they think that Europeans dislike BRITAIN - mainland europeans generally dislike the English or England, and LOVE Scotland - because we're nice to them and very hospitalitarean, whereas the English go and screw up French and Spannish resorts by buying all the property and turning the place into an embarassment. Folks in the states seem to especially love Scotland - etc etc etc - gtg!
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 5:18 PM Quote
I think independence for any country is a good idea. But it has to be properly done, not rushed into, otherwise it can work out really badly. You can't just become independent in one day, it takes, sometimes, years of work, especially when so much history (like it or not) is shared between england and scotland...I mean it took ireland quite a while, but it's worth it in the end.
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 5:34 PM Quote
Joe wrote:
Spare me the lectures on racism.

Firstly, if the English are so Xenophobic (a missuse of the word, as I've hardly got an irrational fear of foreigners), why is it that you don't see us out in the street burning flags?

Secondly, if being independant means bowing over to another group of foreigners, the end result is the same: you get told to sit down and do as they say.

Thirdly, I don't get my tartan in a twist when my French friends call me Rosbif, you should take a chill pill. Far too many people try to victimize themselves, which is what pushes the everyday Joe Public (pun intended) to lose patience.

Fourthly, if you went out into the real world, you'd realize that most other Brits views Sctosmen as just just that: Scotsmen and Brits. It's the same as an Italian calling a Frenchman "French and European".

Last, but not least, being for or against the E.U. is nothing to do with Xenophoobia; it's about having the choice of what to do with independance (ring any bells).

Firstly because it's practically impossible to obtain a flag of any other nation in England, and there is a difference between xenophobia and extreme xenophobia.

Secondly You say you are not xenophobic but use the word "foreingers".. your language gives you away. You tosser, Part of the reason for joining any of these unions is what is good for the community be it European or otherwise, If you are too selfish to realis this then that is your own fault.

Thirdly One you don't wear Tartan, Two you fucks outlawed usfrom wearing it, three the only reason you don't get upset is, gong by your previous postings, You think you are far superior than Johnny Foreinger.

Fourthly I am in the real wor I live in Dublin, (the handle sould have given you a clue) Yes most people view Scots as Scots because we've worked fucking hard at making sure there is a distinction, btw in Ireland Brit is a derogatory term for Englishmen not a British citizen, don't fucking dare condesend me.

And Last.. If you wanna believe the Sun and the Daily amil telling you that Brussels will ruin your country by outlawing sausages and making your bananas straighter then that is totally up to you.

Joe your a decent bloke and I actually quite enjoy your banter on hee but wake up and smell the shit you are shovelling.
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 564
kiwi Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 5:34 PM Quote
DavesUrMan wrote:
I think you've got an incorrect view of what everyone sees scots as (in your words, brits = scots and vice versa)
Thats untrue - why else do you think that when any non-brit refers to britain, especially in the states they say "England" - I'm going to "England" for a holiday and I'll be spending most of it in the Highlands...oh and I can't wait to see edinburgh too - England is really great:D
No wonder no one understands where Scotland is because England never rectifies that.
We will gain so much by getting rid of your nuclear power factories and hanging onto our almost 100% naturally powered stations, and getting rid of your nuclear weapons and 'tax tests'.
England has a pretty bad idea when they think that Europeans dislike BRITAIN - mainland europeans generally dislike the English or England, and LOVE Scotland - because we're nice to them and very hospitalitarean, whereas the English go and screw up French and Spannish resorts by buying all the property and turning the place into an embarassment. Folks in the states seem to especially love Scotland - etc etc etc - gtg!

scottish people tend to be the most grumpy bastards in australia...dunno why! they're almost as bad as the anzacs in the uk!!
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 878
Andrew Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 5:38 PM Quote
kiwi wrote:
scottish people tend to be the most grumpy bastards in australia...dunno why!

Because they're not in Scotland? ;)
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 6:30 PM Quote
Andrew wrote:
kiwi wrote:
scottish people tend to be the most grumpy bastards in australia...dunno why!

Because they're not in Scotland? ;)

no place like home :D
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear)
Posts: 2291
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 8:25 PM Quote
Andrew wrote:
kiwi wrote:
scottish people tend to be the most grumpy bastards in australia...dunno why!

Because they're not in Scotland? ;)

Heat makes us grumpy. In hindsight moving to Australia wasnt a good move LOL
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 73
cosmicwonder Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 8:29 PM Quote
no,no, no, no, NO!

its just not a good idea in my opinion ... not at the moment anyway.
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 8:59 PM Quote
It has plenty of advantages, but its certainly not without its disadvantages - that seems to be the general consensus, with the odd exception... ;)
Re: Scottish Devolution...
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 9:00 PM Quote

If you guys could sort out some Scottish EVOLution we'll talk yeah? cheers. teehee
Re: Scottish Devolution...
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 9:01 PM Quote
cosmicwonder wrote:
no,no, no, no, NO!

its just not a good idea in my opinion ... not at the moment anyway.

be a dear and head back to the shallow end.
Re: Scottish Devolution...
Posts: 585
DavesUrMan Posted Wed 06 Jun, 2007 9:15 PM Quote
Considering Scotland is responsibile for the foremost of classical and modern science and has tax just perfect and has more composers and authors and beautiful landscape and one the highest levels of intelligence quotients in the world I think we're just dandy thanks :D teehee
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