
Re: Question For The Band - (Technical)
Posts: 523
damon Posted Fri 23 May, 2008 10:30 PM Quote
firebird wrote:
I believe (by seeing the More Than Us DVD) that Fran no use anything... only a boss chromatic tuner

i'm not a big fan of fran's guitar features,,, i can only tell you that latetly he uses a marshall bluesbreaker amp,,, and in his last diaries, he mention he changed to a vox ac30 amp,, which is more collorfull, but in effects and accesories andy's is the one, he uses the pedalboard i show before and the ebow, for example closer, the slide show, etc etc,,,, i believe the reason fran's guitars are so nice is because of his picking and rythm,,, also they are so beated up because neil always plays with a metronome,,, wich is very pro device.... take care !
Re: Question For The Band - (Technical)
Posts: 523
damon Posted Fri 23 May, 2008 10:30 PM Quote
firebird wrote:
I believe (by seeing the More Than Us DVD) that Fran no use anything... only a boss chromatic tuner

i'm not a big fan of fran's guitar features,,, i can only tell you that latetly he uses a marshall bluesbreaker amp,,, and in his last diaries, he mention he changed to a vox ac30 amp,, which is more collorfull, but in effects and accesories andy's is the one, he uses the pedalboard i show before and the ebow, for example closer, the slide show, etc etc,,,, i believe the reason fran's guitars are so nice is because of his picking and rythm,,, also they are so beated up because neil always plays with a metronome,,, wich is very pro device.... take care !
Re: Question For The Band - (Technical)
Posts: 364
firebird Posted Tue 27 May, 2008 11:04 AM Quote
Ive read something of the Fran amps change
Andy Uses a Orange (I believe Rockerberb) head with 4 cabinet 4x12 (all orange)
I saw the Ebow in one video live (Now understand the eternal sustain...)
What Amps uses Dougie?
Re: Question For The Band - (Technical)
Posts: 523
damon Posted Wed 28 May, 2008 4:13 PM Quote
firebird wrote:
Ive read something of the Fran amps change
Andy Uses a Orange (I believe Rockerberb) head with 4 cabinet 4x12 (all orange)
I saw the Ebow in one video live (Now understand the eternal sustain...)
What Amps uses Dougie?

in this post you can see a long discussion,, hahaha,, ac50 in fact,, altough i've read once for 12 memories he uses one hand made,,,

douguie,,, he used to use AMPEG,, i'm not a bassist, i couldn't tell you wich kind,, and now,,, i used to tought that were hartke,,,, but now i don't believe so,,, ask me about andy,,,, hahaha
Re: Question For The Band - (Technical)
Posts: 52
Conor14 Posted Fri 30 May, 2008 8:35 AM Quote
paul_c wrote:
I'd love to know what pedal Andy uses on Eyes Wide Open. Some sort of octave or pitch changer..?

in the TBWNN tab book it says andy's guitar has distortion and he uses a whammy pedal. then during the chorus there's delay on his guitar. i think there's harmonics in this song aswell on the 7th and 12th frets.
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