
Re: Academy Awards
sara spain
Posts: 446
sara spain Posted Mon 25 Feb, 2008 8:46 PM Quote
Monica wrote:
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window wrote:
heyjude wrote:
Yes, Javier Bardem won, too!

Mony must be so happy!

I am!!! It was 3am and suddenly I woke up, turned the radio on, and hear: and the Oscar goes to... Javier Bardem. I was lying in my bed and God! I felt so happy! I almost cry when he dedicated the award to his mother, to his grandparents, and to all the people in Spain. Really moving. Thanks Javier, you're awesome, and I feel very proud of you.
His speech. As I said, it's touching when he says: Esto es por los cómicos de España, que han traído como tú la dignidad y el orgullo a nuestro oficio. Esto es para España. Y esto es para todos vosotros [this is for Spanish comedian, that just like you give dignity and pride to our job. This is for Spain. And this is for all of you] (more or less :p)

Javier won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I´m so Happy for him!
Pilar was crying like a baby when He dedicte the award to her.

And do u think Javier was super sexy in the red carpet???
Love Javier since his first flim.
Re: Academy Awards
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 12:21 AM Quote
Ok, just watched it, in fast forward of course, thank you dvr inventor. Anyhoo, That friggin Javier Bardem, not the most attractive fella, but DAMN, he ooozes sex, DAMN!

And for some reason the joke that stuck out most to me was that damn stupid "Gaydolph Titler", cracked me up and I am fully aware of the fact that it shouldn't have :)
Re: Academy Awards
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Tue 26 Feb, 2008 3:28 PM Quote
sara spain wrote:
And do u think Javier was super sexy in the red carpet???
Love Javier since his first flim.

He's not the prototype of man I like, but I think he's sexy, yeah!
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