
Re: Why did I buy her a bed?
Posts: 3258
mili Posted Sun 28 Oct, 2007 1:02 PM Quote
Cute kids you've got there!

Re: Why did I buy her a bed?
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Sun 28 Oct, 2007 3:43 PM Quote
Your children are really, really cute!!!
Re: Why did I buy her a bed?
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Sun 28 Oct, 2007 5:43 PM Quote
Awwww that is so adorable!
Re: Why did I buy her a bed?
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Sun 28 Oct, 2007 5:50 PM Quote
awwwww ! they're both cute

doesn't she get cold ?
Re: Why did I buy her a bed?
Posts: 7404
Turtleneck Posted Sun 28 Oct, 2007 7:19 PM Quote
So cute! You know what's fun to do for Tooth Fairy money--those golden dollar coins with the Presidents on them. The gold makes them feel like it's really special. I went to the bank and got $5 worth and when I told the teller it was for Tooth Fairy money, she actually made sure she gave me all different ones and the shiniest ones, too!

How old are your kids? Mine are 6(girl), 4(boy), and 2(girl).
Re: Why did I buy her a bed?
Posts: 1104
Eledh Posted Sun 28 Oct, 2007 8:49 PM Quote
Don't worry... When I was little I used to sleep under my bed...
Every night.
With my pillow and my teddy bear.


Ok, maybe you should worry.

They're lovely. *_* Seriously. *_*
Re: Why did I buy her a bed?
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sun 28 Oct, 2007 10:05 PM Quote
Eledh wrote:
Don't worry... When I was little I used to sleep under my bed...
Every night.
With my pillow and my teddy bear.


Ok, maybe you should worry.

They're lovely. *_* Seriously. *_*

LOL. Did you have a reason or you just liked doing it? I guess I have no idea why the tile floor is more attractive. Her bed is kind of under the bed-ish since it's the bottom bunk and her mattress is on the floor.

Turtle, that's a good tooth fairy money tip. The boy will be 6 on Saturday (!) and the floor sleeper is 3.
Re: Why did I buy her a bed?
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 29 Oct, 2007 2:38 AM Quote
Sanne (nl) wrote:
After a night without hardly any sleep due to (my duaghters!) teething problems, your post made me laugh out loud. They are just too cute:) Thanks for brighting up a sleepy morning.

Sanne, I feel your pain. And your daughter's pain. Teething is so terrible. I hope the mean tooth comes in soon for everyone's sake. When I was holding my son's baby tooth I actually thought about all we went through for this stupid thing to come in. And now it's hiding in my drawer while I think of a good container and hiding place for teeth.
Re: Why did I buy her a bed?
Posts: 1104
Eledh Posted Mon 29 Oct, 2007 12:00 PM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:
Eledh wrote:
Don't worry... When I was little I used to sleep under my bed...
Every night.
With my pillow and my teddy bear.


Ok, maybe you should worry.

They're lovely. *_* Seriously. *_*

LOL. Did you have a reason or you just liked doing it? I guess I have no idea why the tile floor is more attractive. Her bed is kind of under the bed-ish since it's the bottom bunk and her mattress is on the floor.

I don't really know exactly...
I mean... I think that one day I just... felt like a dog and... You know... Floor.
I'm insane.
And your two kids are so cute *_*
Re: Why did I buy her a bed?
Sanne (nl)
Posts: 882
Sanne (nl) Posted Mon 29 Oct, 2007 1:23 PM Quote
weirdmominaustin wrote:
Sanne (nl) wrote:
After a night without hardly any sleep due to (my duaghters!) teething problems, your post made me laugh out loud. They are just too cute:) Thanks for brighting up a sleepy morning.

Sanne, I feel your pain. And your daughter's pain. Teething is so terrible. I hope the mean tooth comes in soon for everyone's sake. When I was holding my son's baby tooth I actually thought about all we went through for this stupid thing to come in. And now it's hiding in my drawer while I think of a good container and hiding place for teeth.

That;s what i tell myself: it all will end:) But in the mean time she picked up a cold too, lol. So the end is not that near........*goes of to whipe a tiny nose again*
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