
Re: I'm sad tonite
Posts: 10
travisalbarn Posted Fri 07 Sep, 2007 5:04 PM Quote
monkey wrote:

that song "when i'm not around" is absolutely fantastic. i don't hear many songs i think are great after the odd listen but i love it.

Thanks.. I'm very glad that you like it... ;) Thank u again for good words.
I hope new stuff will be soon on the site. Recording is still in progress...
Travis is very inspirational band. I love them.
Fran's melancholic voice is wonderful.
Re: I'm sad tonite
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Mon 10 Sep, 2007 5:52 PM Quote
yeah, I just got done listening to 'More Than Us,' and I started to cry. Everything about that song is just the epitome of all that's beautiful in this world. I love the sweeping strings in the background, and the lyrics are just so heartbreaking. Oh wow, I can't believe music can make me feel this way.
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