
Re: The Force has been with us...for 30 years
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 5:53 PM Quote
harry potter wrote:
Sci-Fi when done properly rules. "Blade Runner" anyone?

I actually didn't really get into Blade Runner when I watched it. I do want to like it though. In fact I've only seen it once and that was studying it in a media class. It kept on being paused whilst we studied the lighting etc lol. Not the best atmosphere for enjoying a movie. So I'll give it another try some time methinks.
Re: The Force has been with us...for 30 years
Travis Rocker
Posts: 412
Travis Rocker Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 5:54 PM Quote
ive started a new post regarding my top 11 films
Re: Luke ->
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 5:59 PM Quote
harry potter wrote:
i just remembered, this morning i was watching the telly while having me brekkie and i saw an ad for the US history channel. they're doing a 30th anni. for "Star Wars". I don't know if it'll be on the telly @ home, BUT i'm sure some geek...i mean, person, will have it up on youtube sometime next week.

Re: The Force has been with us...for 30 years
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 7:30 PM Quote
Thank you - good films.
Re: The Force has been with us...for 30 years
Posts: 270
Trixi Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 9:41 PM Quote
the old three films are just classics and absolutely timeless.
I'v seen them countless times, I probabbly could speak along to it, haha
good one, thanks for the link. :)
I had this one Han Solo wallpaper as a movie poster then btw. *lol*
Re: The Force has been with us...for 30 years
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 9:54 PM Quote
Typing to Reach You wrote:

I actually didn't really get into Blade Runner when I watched it...

no worries, it's one of those movies that sci-fi fans either love or hate. i really love it because for me it brought to life visually anyway the stuff i was reading a few years previously in my all time FAVE comic "2000 AD", the imagery was very similar in feel to that comic book.

harrison ford apparently hated the voiceover but i love it, gives the flick an old-fashioned film noir feel, like the Sam Spade movies from the 40s -"she walked into my office and i knew she was going to the best kind of trouble a guy could ask for..." etc.


i guess you had to be there :-D

Re: The Force has been with us...for 30 years
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 10:12 PM Quote
harry potter wrote:
harrison ford apparently hated the voiceover but i love it, gives the flick an old-fashioned film noir feel

Interesting you should say that, 'cos we were looking at Blade Runner as part of our study of film noir in media studies. It's a "neo noir" in fact, as well as the likes of Se7en and Sin City. :)
Re: The Force has been with us...for 30 years
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Fri 25 May, 2007 10:40 PM Quote
Harry Potter Wrote
harrison ford apparently hated the voiceover but i love it, gives the flick an old-fashioned film noir feel, like the Sam Spade movies from the 40s -"she walked into my office and i knew she was going to the best kind of trouble a guy could ask for..." etc.

Yeah I liked the voice over but they've removed it all of the so called director cuts. I think what I liked about it was the dark feeling to the whole film earth is no longer a nice place.

I wouldn't say I'm a huge fan of Sci-Fi but I love when it's done well, The totally over the top Fifth Element or the blatant High Noon rip off - Outland also if you ever get the chance to see a film called Dark Star there is a brilliant ending where a guy burns up on re-entry by surfing into the earth's atmosphere on a piece of wreckage, total class
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