
Re: Stereotypes
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 4:21 PM Quote
Joe wrote:
harry potter wrote:
SamuraiSandy wrote:

I know I am...even with my own culture. .

well said that woman.
yeah i'm guilty of maligning my own country of origin too

Funny, I've never had that problem.

hmmm, maybe i'm giving you too much credit but am i supposed to garner from your response that you've got issues with ireland too?
Re: Stereotypes
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 4:21 PM Quote
harry potter wrote:
SamuraiSandy wrote:
I think we all are guilty of it to a degree...I can totally understand how some of the stereotypes come about...

Well, maybe we ALL aren't, but lots of us are...I know I am...even with my own culture. I think that some of it is normal, but then you also get the ignorant jerks, who are just plain insulting--where they don't see exceptions.

well said that woman.
yeah i'm guilty of maligning my own country of origin too, especially my hometown :/ i'm a self-hating Paddy what can i say.

yeah, but i have so much ground to work with...i have my own country's ppl to stereotype, and then Asian ppl in general! i could go on forever!! oh, i'm so bad!
Re: Stereotypes
Posts: 625
Joe Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 4:25 PM Quote
harry potter wrote:

hmmm, maybe i'm giving you too much credit but am i supposed to garner from your response that you've got issues with ireland too?

1. I just don't have "issues" with England.
2. I'm a quarter Paddy myself (hence the curly hair and addiction to Guinness).
Re: Stereotypes
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 4:28 PM Quote
SamuraiSandy wrote:
harry potter wrote:
SamuraiSandy wrote:
I think we all are guilty of it to a degree...I can totally understand how some of the stereotypes come about...

Well, maybe we ALL aren't, but lots of us are...I know I am...even with my own culture. I think that some of it is normal, but then you also get the ignorant jerks, who are just plain insulting--where they don't see exceptions.

well said that woman.
yeah i'm guilty of maligning my own country of origin too, especially my hometown :/ i'm a self-hating Paddy what can i say.

yeah, but i have so much ground to work with...i have my own country's ppl to stereotype, and then Asian ppl in general! i could go on forever!! oh, i'm so bad!

LoL double-whammy. do you find that while you yourself can made judgements upon asian people when someone from another culture does it you suddenly get defensive and want to protect your own culture? i do that the WHOLE time - s'like i want to piss and moan about the irish (i.e. the REAL irish, not Irish-Americans) but damn if anyone else wants to have a go. grrr.
Re: Stereotypes
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 4:35 PM Quote
We put people in boxes cos it's too difficult to comprehend all details and personalities of all people.

Dunno if anyone has any stereotypes about Danish people. If people have even heard of the country, we're usually just considdered to be pretty much like the Swedish or Dutch.
Re: Stereotypes
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 4:36 PM Quote
harry potter wrote:

LoL double-whammy. do you find that while you yourself can made judgements upon asian people when someone from another culture does it you suddenly get defensive and want to protect your own culture? i do that the WHOLE time - s'like i want to piss and moan about the irish (i.e. the REAL irish, not Irish-Americans) but damn if anyone else wants to have a go. grrr.

oh...kinda. if it's just an innocent joke, i'm fine...even if it's not that innocent, but just a joke, i'm okay too. but, then there's just plain racism, and i think you can tell the difference. i can get defensive if it's a real racist remark, but i don't get offended too easily.
Re: Stereotypes
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 6:14 PM Quote
Everyone has stereotypes! Just the human nature of things. It's knowing when to keep ur mouth shut that's important ;)

I'm very guilty of stereotyping esp where I come from (northern ireland) but can't help it, I just don't vocalise it and have been proved WRONG so many times! :-)
Re: Stereotypes
Sanne (nl)
Posts: 882
Sanne (nl) Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 6:50 PM Quote
i think using stereotypes is what a lot (if not all) people need to make sense out of this world. Everything needs to be structured in order to be "save". Stereotypes= a sort of order= structure= savety.

People being judgemental about groups of people, originates usually out of fear and ignorance.

But as far as Dutchies being, drugtaking, beerdrinking, moneysqeezing, multilangual people.................totally true, lol
Re: Stereotypes
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 7:14 PM Quote
But as far as Dutchies being, drugtaking, beerdrinking, moneysqeezing, multilangual people.................totally true, lol

ha ha ha sounds like home to me!
Re: Stereotypes
Typing to Reach You
Posts: 1667
Typing to Reach You Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 7:20 PM Quote
Stereotypes are necessary in that they produce a vivid image of certain groups, habits and cultures. The stereotype of the rowdy English football supporter for example has, at its roots, some basic truths. These types of people do exist, and the stereotype does reflect football culture on some basic level. But the danger of stereotypes is that they mislead others into thinking everybody from that group is like that and at all times. Not everyone who likes football is rowdy and drunken, and not everyone who is English is mad about football.

Sometimes stereotypes are far more specific, like the French artist with garlic around his neck. Now I'm guessing not everyone walking the streets of Paris is dressed like this, but maybe someone did once and the image stuck! Or the stereotype could be a collection of things – get a bunch of things we might associate with French people (for whatever reason) and throw them all together in this single image. Stereotypes are often stuck in tradition, and they don't always disappear even when they're outdated. But basically the stereotype works as shorthand for us to identify a certain group of people. Very useful for films, TV, magazines etc. I remember doing representation in Media Studies last year...we studied chavs, lol. Interesting topic actually.
Re: Stereotypes
Sanne (nl)
Posts: 882
Sanne (nl) Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 7:22 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
But as far as Dutchies being, drugtaking, beerdrinking, moneysqeezing, multilangual people.................totally true, lol

ha ha ha sounds like home to me!

oops, lol!
Hail Fellow Well Met
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Wed 27 Jun, 2007 7:25 PM Quote
Typing to Reach You wrote:
Stereotypes are necessary in that they produce a vivid image of certain groups, habits and cultures. The stereotype of the rowdy English football supporter for example has, at its roots, some basic truths. These types of people do exist, and the stereotype does reflect football culture on some basic level. But the danger of stereotypes is that they mislead others into thinking everybody from that group is like that and at all times. Not everyone who likes football is rowdy and drunken, and not everyone who is English is mad about football.

Sometimes stereotypes are far more specific, like the French artist with garlic around his neck. Now I'm guessing not everyone walking the streets of Paris is dressed like this, but maybe someone did once and the image stuck! Or the stereotype could be a collection of things – get a bunch of things we might associate with French people (for whatever reason) and throw them all together in this single image. Stereotypes are often stuck in tradition, and they don't always disappear even when they're outdated. But basically the stereotype works as shorthand for us to identify a certain group of people. Very useful for films, TV, magazines etc. I remember doing representation in Media Studies last year...we studied chavs, lol. Interesting topic actually.

nice one man, impressed. good read.

Re: Stereotypes
Posts: 1572
nats Posted Thu 28 Jun, 2007 3:41 AM Quote
harry potter wrote:
Stereotypes - a simplified and standardized conception or image invested with special meaning and held in common by members of a group

do you agree that as humans we can't help but put people into specific boxes based on limited knowledge about their race or culture? are we all guilty of stereotyping?

i know i get upset when the Irish are seen as nothing but a bunch of whiskey swillers (especially in the US), but by the same token i sometimes find myself putting people from other cultures in boxes too - is that normal,hypocritical or just plain ignorance?


its normal (well, at least is usuall) to make stereotypes, because thats a way to try to understand and know the world, so, i think is a consecuence of our ignorance. But i think that not only the bad stereotypes are wrong, but also the good ones. Its a mistake to think that all irish are nothing but a bunch of whiskey swillers, as it is to think that they are all clever people or beautiful, or whatever. Because stereotypes puts limits to our knowledge and they are kinda dangerous... in differents ways maybe
Re: Stereotypes
Posts: 625
Joe Posted Thu 28 Jun, 2007 7:15 AM Quote
harry potter wrote:
LoL. that made me laugh. <-- well on second thoughts the latest comments from our man Joe here leads me to believe he's not trying to be funny, just hurtful/spiteful. there's that kind of vibe here today innit. *THAT WAS AN EDIT**

That's very devious of you, putting in an edit... It hurts to be called spiteful.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I just have to go puncture my boss's tyres. ;-)
Re: Stereotypes
Posts: 982
Tracey982 Posted Thu 28 Jun, 2007 7:16 AM Quote
I don't get why people say Aberdonians are sheep shaggers!
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