
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Mon 09 Mar, 2009 6:19 PM Quote

well...then it's about the same thing all over the world...

Just another dullness....kinda
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 2092
hennypenny Posted Tue 10 Mar, 2009 1:48 AM Quote
I just read that a policeman was shot in Northern Ireland. Very sad:(
Posts: 568
Aída Posted Tue 10 Mar, 2009 8:51 AM Quote
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Tue 10 Mar, 2009 3:42 PM Quote
Hi guys,

Being from here all I can say is that I am truely shocked and disgusted by this behaviour. Our little provence had finally started putting the past behind us and we were making great tracks in keeping the peace. It seems that those responsible for these attacks (the murdered Army boys and now the Police Officer in Craigavon) do not care for the greater good of our country. These actions have been condemed from both sides and from all Politicians.

Ofcourse the different Terrorist groups are still there in the background and always will be. I am just scared that there will be retaliation! To be honest I think that would be the worst thing to happen because things would really kickoff again. Already there has been an increase in bomb scares in the city centre ~(Belfast) etc again, we thought we were done with those days but it seems that these thugs like to keep people informed that they are still about.

You hear things all the time and for a long time there seemed to be just problems and clashes within each organisation. For example punishment beatings, pipe bomb scares etc. But now?!? Who knows what will happen.

I know from my family and friends, work colleagues etc. No-one wants this! We want peace, we want to live together in peace and freedom (which the majority of us do). We don't want attacks, segratation and certainly do not want armed police/army on our streets.
Re: Terrorism returns to the North
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Tue 10 Mar, 2009 3:47 PM Quote
Well Said.

As you point out. The one good thing so far is that there hasn't been any retaliation. However, that is not going to last forever if it carries on. Lets hope it fizzles out r is brought under control either suits as long as the crap stops.

Stay safe, thinking of you guys up there.

Posts: 568
Aída Posted Tue 10 Mar, 2009 5:50 PM Quote
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