
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Fri 12 Dec, 2008 10:55 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
Why doesn't it normally snow in Houston?

Where else in America doesn't get snow?

Cali? Texas?

It snows in Cali up in the mountains. Snow can be found in some all year long
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 1450
Nell Posted Sat 13 Dec, 2008 11:01 AM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
Peewee wrote:
Why doesn't it normally snow in Houston?

Where else in America doesn't get snow?

Cali? Texas?

We're just too far south. It doesn't get cold enough and even if it does it doesn't stay cold enough for the snow to stick for very long.

When it does ice over here it's a crisis and businesses and schools close. It sounds silly but one, our cities don't have as much equipment to de-ice the roads and two people don't know how to drive in icy conditions.

Yeah heard the same in Germany: When it's too hot school closes! Hello? In Switzerland we never ever do that.

If it's too hot: get yourself something to drink - and if there's too much snow: Get yourself a pair of skies! (seriously: We had that once! ;) My sis had to use her skies to get to school...)

;) I'm quite happy not living in the snow ;) hehe... and you've always an excuse for being late ;)

How cold does it usually get in Texas?
Re: Hell has frozen over...
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Sat 13 Dec, 2008 2:40 PM Quote
Nell wrote:
weirdmom wrote:
Peewee wrote:
Why doesn't it normally snow in Houston?

Where else in America doesn't get snow?

Cali? Texas?

We're just too far south. It doesn't get cold enough and even if it does it doesn't stay cold enough for the snow to stick for very long.

When it does ice over here it's a crisis and businesses and schools close. It sounds silly but one, our cities don't have as much equipment to de-ice the roads and two people don't know how to drive in icy conditions.

Yeah heard the same in Germany: When it's too hot school closes! Hello? In Switzerland we never ever do that.

If it's too hot: get yourself something to drink - and if there's too much snow: Get yourself a pair of skies! (seriously: We had that once! ;) My sis had to use her skies to get to school...)

;) I'm quite happy not living in the snow ;) hehe... and you've always an excuse for being late ;)

How cold does it usually get in Texas?

Since Texas is so huge the temperature varies. As for where I live, Southeastern Texas, it doesn't really go lower than freezing, 32 degrees. And freezing point is few and far between. The average high here for winter is lower 60's or upper 50's. Nice and mild :)
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