
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 8:09 PM Quote

hey hanne,that's awsome,another 80's baby. where did you grow up?

In Denmark (you can find it here if you don't know where it is). It's not exactly a big country...
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 317
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:03 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:

hey hanne,that's awsome,another 80's baby. where did you grow up?

In Denmark (you can find it here if you don't know where it is). It's not exactly a big country...

i visited holland in february,amsterdam, i was going to fly to denmark but i ran out of euros,i didn't take enough dollars with me to exchange:-( but it was great!i love europe. i'm glad that denmark was a fun place to grow up in during the 80's, i feel lucky to have had a happy upbringing in los angeles,compared to what other went through. do you,have you traveled much?
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:22 PM Quote

i visited holland in february,amsterdam, i was going to fly to denmark but i ran out of euros,i didn't take enough dollars with me to exchange:-( but it was great!i love europe. i'm glad that denmark was a fun place to grow up in during the 80's, i feel lucky to have had a happy upbringing in los angeles,compared to what other went through. do you,have you traveled much?

Hmm, dunno if it was a happier place than so many other places. We would've been caught right in the middle if the cold war parties had decided to fire their missiles. I was just too young to understand. Futhermore, I only found out as an adult that my parents' money was more tight than I ever knew. But since I was blissfully ignorant, yeah I did have a great childhood :o)

So LA was a good place in the 80s then?

Too bad you didn't have enough money to come here but they do say that the Netherlands and Denmark are quite alike so no worries... You're lucky you've been to Europe, I've never been outside of Europe. I wouldn't say I have travelled a lot. When I was young, we went on the odd trip to Germany or stayed in Denmark on holidays. I was 18 when I took my first flight. But since then I've been to a couple of countries in Europe :o)
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:24 PM Quote
PS: you read your profile... You know Teitur??? Never met anyone from outside this country who even heard about him :o)
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 317
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:41 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:

i visited holland in february,amsterdam, i was going to fly to denmark but i ran out of euros,i didn't take enough dollars with me to exchange:-( but it was great!i love europe. i'm glad that denmark was a fun place to grow up in during the 80's, i feel lucky to have had a happy upbringing in los angeles,compared to what other went through. do you,have you traveled much?

Hmm, dunno if it was a happier place than so many other places. We would've been caught right in the middle if the cold war parties had decided to fire their missiles. I was just too young to understand. Futhermore, I only found out as an adult that my parents' money was more tight than I ever knew. But since I was blissfully ignorant, yeah I did have a great childhood :o)

So LA was a good place in the 80s then?

Too bad you didn't have enough money to come here but they do say that the Netherlands and Denmark are quite alike so no worries... You're lucky you've been to Europe, I've never been outside of Europe. I wouldn't say I have travelled a lot. When I was young, we went on the odd trip to Germany or stayed in Denmark on holidays. I was 18 when I took my first flight. But since then I've been to a couple of countries in Europe :o)

Ah,it's great to a child and oblivious to all the ugliness of the world. i wouldn't say that growing up in la was "perfect",no way,but i was surrounded by good people who took care of me and kept me safe,that's good enough.:-) And yes i Love teitur! he's an amazing song writer, i saw him for the first time in concert a couple months ago in hollywoood,great live showman,definately. i first heard his songs when poetry and airplane came out. it was on clearnace in hollywood for 2.99 and i liked the way the cover looked, and the song titles,so i bought it just for that.:-) what's your favorite teitur song? mine is....
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 317
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:46 PM Quote
Youre the ocean and Amanda's Dream, also Louis louis
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:46 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Sorry Mate, You didn't bring back any bad memories, I was probably just being a little harsh.

The Police, Madness, The Cure, Cocteau Twins, The Smiths, Specials, Selecter, Bad Manners, Artic Roll.


haha Thanks Man, like any decade the 80's had it's share of good and bad, people tend to have a nostalgic view of past times, and need someone like myself to remind them it wasn't all good,

A bit of a personal crusader or just an opinionated arrogant tit... you decide, haha


hey dubz,no need to apologize,i know that you're a straight shooter,but also a cool guy,plus we all have the right to our opinion here,so no hard feelings, but yeah,my older brothers listened to all those bands too which lead to me like that style of music,flash forward 20 yrs,and here i am, a travis fan,go figure
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 2782
Hanne Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:47 PM Quote

Ah,it's great to a child and oblivious to all the ugliness of the world. i wouldn't say that growing up in la was "perfect",no way,but i was surrounded by good people who took care of me and kept me safe,that's good enough.:-) And yes i Love teitur! he's an amazing song writer, i saw him for the first time in concert a couple months ago in hollywoood,great live showman,definately. i first heard his songs when poetry and airplane came out. it was on clearnace in hollywood for 2.99 and i liked the way the cover looked, and the song titles,so i bought it just for that.:-) what's your favorite teitur song? mine is....

I cannot possibly say what my favourite song is, but some stand out anyway. The first song I heard was Josephine so of course that has a special place. I also love Stay Under The Stars and Thief About To Break In. From the new album it's probably The Girl I Don't Know.

Right, I really gotta go to bed now... It's almost midnight here and I gotta get up around 7.30 tomorrow...

Goodnight :o)
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 317
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:49 PM Quote
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Scottish Dubliner wrote:
Sorry Mate, You didn't bring back any bad memories, I was probably just being a little harsh.

The Police, Madness, The Cure, Cocteau Twins, The Smiths, Specials, Selecter, Bad Manners, Artic Roll.


haha Thanks Man, like any decade the 80's had it's share of good and bad, people tend to have a nostalgic view of past times, and need someone like myself to remind them it wasn't all good,

A bit of a personal crusader or just an opinionated arrogant tit... you decide, haha


hey dubz,no need to apologize,i know that you're a straight shooter,but also a cool guy,plus we all have the right to our opinion here,so no hard feelings, but yeah,my older brothers listened to all those bands too which lead to me like that style of music,flash forward 20 yrs,and here i am, a travis fan,go figure

you are undoubtedly the best of both dubz cheers
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 317
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Posted Fri 17 Oct, 2008 10:50 PM Quote
Hanne wrote:

Ah,it's great to a child and oblivious to all the ugliness of the world. i wouldn't say that growing up in la was "perfect",no way,but i was surrounded by good people who took care of me and kept me safe,that's good enough.:-) And yes i Love teitur! he's an amazing song writer, i saw him for the first time in concert a couple months ago in hollywoood,great live showman,definately. i first heard his songs when poetry and airplane came out. it was on clearnace in hollywood for 2.99 and i liked the way the cover looked, and the song titles,so i bought it just for that.:-) what's your favorite teitur song? mine is....

I cannot possibly say what my favourite song is, but some stand out anyway. The first song I heard was Josephine so of course that has a special place. I also love Stay Under The Stars and Thief About To Break In. From the new album it's probably The Girl I Don't Know.

Right, I really gotta go to bed now... It's almost midnight here and I gotta get up around 7.30 tomorrow...

Goodnight :o)

ok have a goodnight,chat with you again soon:-)
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Mon 20 Oct, 2008 10:13 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
awwww your so sweet! lol Whens your birthday????? What star sign are ya??? lol

my birthday is 4/26/80,very close to yours,I'm a taurus, i think you're another sign,right?

haha nope I am a super duper TAURUS too :D woohoo. lol
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 317
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Posted Mon 20 Oct, 2008 10:30 PM Quote
Peewee wrote:
Peewee wrote:
awwww your so sweet! lol Whens your birthday????? What star sign are ya??? lol

my birthday is 4/26/80,very close to yours,I'm a taurus, i think you're another sign,right?

haha nope I am a super duper TAURUS too :D woohoo. lol

OMG!I think I'm in love!:-p I have to say that,"We",Taurus' are awsome!
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Mon 20 Oct, 2008 10:37 PM Quote
Aye, I'm a bull too.
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 317
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Posted Mon 20 Oct, 2008 11:00 PM Quote
Darran wrote:
Aye, I'm a bull too.

yeah darran! that's right man,cheers!
Re: 80's Now and Forever
Posts: 1
konker Posted Sun 02 Nov, 2008 3:26 PM Quote
I think 80' were funny, when you see those advertisements,more stupid than nowadays.But there's a big difference between,'cause those ones were naive and nice, but now these are arrogant and some of the are disgusting.And when Media Marks says you're stupid if you don't buy their goods.A bit outrage...:-/
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