
Re: Theoretical: A B-side as a single...
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 15 Oct, 2008 10:29 PM Quote
paul_c wrote:
Nikki wrote:
Mikko85 wrote:
It wouldn't happen, a b-sides album would JUST be a b-sides album. It's a bit of an unwritten rule in the industry.

I don't understand what you're referring to. Do you mean they wouldn't re-record any tracks if they chose to do a B-Side album? Travis are their own record label now though, so can't they do whatever they want? In interviews they said at some point they'd like to do a B-side album, or that it's a possibility.

Which raises another point- could it be possible at all, since technically the songs released before would belong to Independiente and not RTB?

I doubt it. Travis wrote those songs. They belong to Travis...just like their name and their logo. It's a good question though, Paul. It would be a CRIME if a record company got away with that. Plus, if that was the case, would bands ever leave or switch record labels? They'd lose the rights to all their previously recorded songs. Nah...I just don't think that's possible. What about the fact that they still play their old songs live and collect money on it? Or maybe the world is completely backwards and this happens all the time and I just don't know enough about the music business, lol.

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