
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 5:52 AM Quote
Meridith wrote:
Nikki wrote:
There was a huge uproar here about a Hooters opening up in a really nice part of town where there's a massive upscale fancy shmancy mall. I don't really care either way to be honest, lol. It's not very tasteful...but it's not like it's a strip club.

Do you guys have Bikini Cuts where you are? It's a hair salon where the women who cut your hair wear bikinis. There was a big uproar here when that one went in. Same kind of thing. Of course people were all in an uproar about WalMart going in too.

Hmmm...never heard of it but we have something in Michigan called "Lady Janes" where I think it's pretty much the same thing: Chicks cutting men's hair in skanky outfits. Same thing happened here when a WalMart store went in near an elementary school...we boycotted it for a while but my dad finally caved and started shopping there.

PS: I gave my boyfriend a haircut yesterday for the first time. I cut a lot off, and I gotta say I did a damn good job! I was so proud of myself! :) I kept petting his head today, LOL! All I've ever cut before that was my own bangs.
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 5:53 AM Quote
ElspethOllie wrote:
Nikki wrote:
...but for as much attention as it's getting...I'm sorry to say, I thought it was a BIT overrated. Still a cute film though!

*GASP* She's bagging on our film Lindsey! You should at least got get the soundtrack (*hums* you're a part time lover and a full time friend, the monkey on your back is the latest trend)

Okay I found another super secret photo

Yup I'm loving the soundtrack. Oh and the Once soundtrack...those are pretty much all I've been listening to the last week. The movie is getting a lot of attention, but it is so cute!

I think Napolean Dynamite was overrated. *hides from Lauren's fist*

Lovin' the picture.
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 5:56 AM Quote
lindsey22295 wrote:
ElspethOllie wrote:
Nikki wrote:
...but for as much attention as it's getting...I'm sorry to say, I thought it was a BIT overrated. Still a cute film though!

*GASP* She's bagging on our film Lindsey! You should at least got get the soundtrack (*hums* you're a part time lover and a full time friend, the monkey on your back is the latest trend)

Okay I found another super secret photo

Yup I'm loving the soundtrack. Oh and the Once soundtrack...those are pretty much all I've been listening to the last week. The movie is getting a lot of attention, but it is so cute!

I think Napolean Dynamite was overrated. *hides from Lauren's fist*

Lovin' the picture.

I love that pic of Fran!

Lindsey...I rented "Once" yesterday. Haven't actually had a chance to sit down and watch it yet. Is it any good? I also rented "Eastern Promises" cuz my brother said it was really good.
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 5:57 AM Quote
Nikki wrote:
Meridith wrote:
Nikki wrote:
There was a huge uproar here about a Hooters opening up in a really nice part of town where there's a massive upscale fancy shmancy mall. I don't really care either way to be honest, lol. It's not very tasteful...but it's not like it's a strip club.

Do you guys have Bikini Cuts where you are? It's a hair salon where the women who cut your hair wear bikinis. There was a big uproar here when that one went in. Same kind of thing. Of course people were all in an uproar about WalMart going in too.

Hmmm...never heard of it but we have something in Michigan called "Lady Janes" where I think it's pretty much the same thing: Chicks cutting men's hair in skanky outfits. Same thing happened here when a WalMart store went in near an elementary school...we boycotted it for a while but my dad finally caved and started shopping there.

PS: I gave my boyfriend a haircut yesterday for the first time. I cut a lot off, and I gotta say I did a damn good job! I was so proud of myself! :) I kept petting his head today, LOL! All I've ever cut before that was my own bangs.

So did you wear a Bikini and shorty shorts while cutting it?

PS. I didn't like Napoleon Dynamite at all.
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 2076
Meridith Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 5:58 AM Quote
Nikki wrote:
Meridith wrote:
Nikki wrote:
There was a huge uproar here about a Hooters opening up in a really nice part of town where there's a massive upscale fancy shmancy mall. I don't really care either way to be honest, lol. It's not very tasteful...but it's not like it's a strip club.

Do you guys have Bikini Cuts where you are? It's a hair salon where the women who cut your hair wear bikinis. There was a big uproar here when that one went in. Same kind of thing. Of course people were all in an uproar about WalMart going in too.

Hmmm...never heard of it but we have something in Michigan called "Lady Janes" where I think it's pretty much the same thing: Chicks cutting men's hair in skanky outfits. Same thing happened here when a WalMart store went in near an elementary school...we boycotted it for a while but my dad finally caved and started shopping there.

PS: I gave my boyfriend a haircut yesterday for the first time. I cut a lot off, and I gotta say I did a damn good job! I was so proud of myself! :) I kept petting his head today, LOL! All I've ever cut before that was my own bangs.

way to go! I started cutting my husband's hair a couple of years ago. I was pretty nervous at first, but he doesn't care about his hair as much as I care about mine. :) At least I've gotten pretty good at it. :)
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 5:59 AM Quote
Well, for some reason (*cough*FREE STUFF*cough) I always think these movies I see at free screenings a the bomb diggity...NAY boss I should say. :)

*hums* Take this sinking boat and point it home, we've still got tiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmeeee.

I can't believe girls are still up. It's almost 1, I guess they don't have any early classes though.
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 2076
Meridith Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 6:00 AM Quote
I think people either really like Napoleon Dynamite or they hate it. I didn't find it too amusing until my brother in law was quoting it. Of course he was busting up too, which always makes me laugh. :)
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 1790
lindsey22295 Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 6:01 AM Quote
I loved Once...but don't expect it to be anything like a normal musical. I think it is amazing that they did it on such a small budget. Oh and I had no idea Marketa Irglova was so young! She is 19.

Ok folks I'm off to make some actual head way on studying.

G'night all!
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 4270
ElspethOllie Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 6:01 AM Quote
Meridith! Quick question I just wanted to know because you live in Utah, but are you Mormon? I know everyone in Utah isn't a Mormon, I just wanted to ask... I hope I'm not outta line here.
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 6:01 AM Quote
DAKOTA wrote:
Nikki wrote:
Meridith wrote:
Nikki wrote:
There was a huge uproar here about a Hooters opening up in a really nice part of town where there's a massive upscale fancy shmancy mall. I don't really care either way to be honest, lol. It's not very tasteful...but it's not like it's a strip club.

Do you guys have Bikini Cuts where you are? It's a hair salon where the women who cut your hair wear bikinis. There was a big uproar here when that one went in. Same kind of thing. Of course people were all in an uproar about WalMart going in too.

Hmmm...never heard of it but we have something in Michigan called "Lady Janes" where I think it's pretty much the same thing: Chicks cutting men's hair in skanky outfits. Same thing happened here when a WalMart store went in near an elementary school...we boycotted it for a while but my dad finally caved and started shopping there.

PS: I gave my boyfriend a haircut yesterday for the first time. I cut a lot off, and I gotta say I did a damn good job! I was so proud of myself! :) I kept petting his head today, LOL! All I've ever cut before that was my own bangs.

So did you wear a Bikini and shorty shorts while cutting it?

PS. I didn't like Napoleon Dynamite at all.

HA! Nope. I was fully clothed, thank you very much! Although I had him take HIS shirt off so he didn't get hair all over his clothes n stuff. hahaha!

What's up with you guys?!?! Napoleon Dynamite was so awesome! I think Superbad is my new favorite comedy though.
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 2076
Meridith Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 6:03 AM Quote
lindsey22295 wrote:
I loved Once...but don't expect it to be anything like a normal musical. I think it is amazing that they did it on such a small budget. Oh and I had no idea Marketa Irglova was so young! She is 19.

Ok folks I'm off to make some actual head way on studying.

G'night all!

night Lindsey!
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 6:04 AM Quote
Night LinseT!
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 6:07 AM Quote
It just didn't tickle my funny bone for whatever reason. I don't like Cohen brother's movies that much either, and everybody else seems to like them, so....make of that what you will!
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 2076
Meridith Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 6:08 AM Quote
ElspethOllie wrote:
Meridith! Quick question I just wanted to know because you live in Utah, but are you Mormon? I know everyone in Utah isn't a Mormon, I just wanted to ask... I hope I'm not outta line here.

ha ha..I'm actually surprised that no one's asked me yet. Seems like that's the first thing people ask when they find out I'm from Utah. And no, not everyone in Utah is Mormon...probably less than 40%...which is still a lot though. But yeah, I am. :)
Re: Ahem...
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 16 Jan, 2008 6:12 AM Quote
Lauren, I love the WTRY and WDIAROM story boards...especially how they drew the goat being poked with the stick.
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