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Your search found 1450 results
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Re: Personality of Travis. Nell Travis Fri 23 Apr 9:58 PM
Re: Missing Travis! Nell Travis Thu 22 Apr 1:17 PM
Chords-project Nell Travis Fri 16 Apr 10:46 AM
Re: Fran's Twitter Nell Travis Thu 15 Apr 7:29 PM
Re: Fran's Twitter Nell Travis Thu 15 Apr 4:02 PM
Re: Re: Nell Travis Tue 13 Apr 12:17 PM
Re: Fran's Twitter Nell Travis Sun 11 Apr 10:17 PM
Re: Today's News of YOU Nell General Chat Sat 10 Apr 1:15 PM
Re: Travis tv spotter Nell Travis Wed 07 Apr 7:03 AM
Re: Singles Dvd easter eggs Nell Travis Fri 02 Apr 9:32 AM
Re: Singles DVD?? Hidden videos?? Nell Travis Thu 01 Apr 10:42 PM
Re: Singles DVD?? Hidden videos?? Nell Travis Thu 01 Apr 10:40 PM
Re: Today's News of YOU Nell General Chat Tue 30 Mar 11:06 AM
Re: Signs of Travis Nell Travis Tue 30 Mar 10:51 AM
Re: How times change ... (and the file-sharing debate) Nell Travis Fri 26 Mar 4:02 PM
Re: How times change ... (and the file-sharing debate) Nell Travis Thu 25 Mar 10:33 PM
Re: How times change ... (and the file-sharing debate) Nell Travis Thu 25 Mar 3:24 PM
Re: Oh, for pity's sake! Someone start a new thread already! Nell General Chat Wed 24 Mar 12:20 AM
Re: Fran's Twitter Nell Travis Tue 23 Mar 10:09 PM
Re: Fran's Twitter Nell Travis Tue 23 Mar 12:28 AM
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