
Where are the Umbrellas?!
Posts: 18
McJen Posted Sat 26 Jan, 2008 9:03 AM Quote
So I saw the WDIAROM umbrellas on the website ages ago and thought they were an absolutely genius idea, but I like buying the merch at the gigs instead of online, as a memory of the particular gig.

I decided I'd buy it at the Cambridge gig when I got the tickets, but now I can't go I was just gonna buy it on the Wee shop with some of the sale stuff and its not there!!

I now have the answer... Why Does It Always Rain On Me? Well its definitely not just coz I lied when I was 17, I think its a combination of living in Glasgow(where the rain pretty much never stops) and the fact the Wee shop ran out :( Totally gutted... Bring them back!!
Re: Where are the Umbrellas?!
Posts: 1969
galletitabonita Posted Sun 27 Jan, 2008 7:20 AM Quote
yes!!! bring them back hahaha

I want a umbrella too
Re: Where are the Umbrellas?!
Posts: 412
TK23 Posted Mon 28 Jan, 2008 2:56 AM Quote
I would LOVE a WDIAROM umbrella! It's quite a clever idea.
Re: Where are the Umbrellas?!
Posts: 765
erikausagi Posted Mon 28 Jan, 2008 11:07 PM Quote
yeees!! me too!! if you can bring it at the shows in february WILL BE GREAAAAT!!

*at least for me!*
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