
Re: Alchohol Rehabilitation
Posts: 90
strongbow1 Posted Mon 29 Nov, 2010 1:11 AM Quote
Ive been fair heavy with it of late not through the day just at nights ive had a couple of nights off in around 3 weeks because i don't want it apparent in my blood when ive to go for blood tests. The first blood test was high sugars in my blood and so was the second blood test on both accounts the doctor asked if i drink and said because the sugars in my liver are too high. I only went originally because id blacked out for a few seconds. Everything seems to point toward diabetes but until further tests i can't be sure. Im supposed to be taking 2 months from the drink but didnt even manage 2 days. To be honest i think the doc is more concerned about my smoking.
Re: Alchohol Rehabilitation
Scottish Dubliner
Posts: 8299
Scottish Dubliner Posted Mon 29 Nov, 2010 2:00 AM Quote
Diabetes is becoming more and more prevelant, especially "type 2", it's to do with modern diet. Type2 is managable with just a change of diet, not even a severe change just watching what you eat. It also seems to be becoming more apparent in younger males, whether it be due to drink/diet I'm not sure, I seem to remember something about weight gain around the whole midrift as opposed to the more traditional "paunch" or "beer belly" again whether this be due to before when men tended to work in more physical jobs as opposed to now where even in construction it's not as physical as it once was, I cannot say.

I have a bit of a problem when it comes to GPs, as it's all "Do as I say" not "Do as I do". Doctors will tell you to stay off the booze and fags because it makes their job easier. However I know a few doctors who are collosal boozehounds. If I remember correctly (and I may be wrong but) blood tests only need at most 24hrs of fasting/abstinence.

Obviously smoking and drinking to excess are dangerous and unhealthy but the odd beer or fag ain't gonna kill you.

I don't actually know who to recommend if you think you have a problem as I have found that most people, whether it be A.A., G.P.s or councilors, have a motive or their own personal agenda.

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