
Re: Highlights and Lowlights of 2009 Thread
Posts: 647
Ana_Smith Posted Wed 30 Dec, 2009 6:01 PM Quote
In no particular order, my highlights:

- Getting to know so many wonderful people on the board
- Actually meeting some of them when I went to Argentina
- The trips to Colonia del Sacramento (with my sister) and to Buenos Aires (by myself)
- All the gigs I've attended this year and the people who were standing beside me: The Killers, Catupecu Machu, Tabaré Cardozo and Agarrate Catalina
- Sharing so many moments of laughter with my friends and family during Carnival season
- Adding skills to my resume (as planned)
- Getting a temp job as translator
- The mock trade negotiation (final project at Uni, facing my fears)
- Being unexpectedly called for the interview of my dreams

And, lowlights:

- My uncle leaving his wife and how the news affected my grandma
- My mum getting quite sick and realising she's the glue holding this family together
- Managing work and study (learning my priorities)
- Failing an exam for the first time in my life
- Old friends drifting away (not only geography is to blame)
- Missing Oasis in Buenos Aires
- Screwing up a once in a lifetime opportunity

(The list can go on but, I'd rather not...)
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