

yurieee's Profile Details:

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yurieee has attended 1 shows
Impact Arena, Bangkok, TH

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Member since: October-27-2007
Last Login: May-18-2011
Gender: Female
Country: TH
Posts: 160
Occupation: Stupid accountant
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deean Dec-6-09 3.23pm
hello..thanks for adding me as your friend!=D
frandougeil Oct-8-09 4.26pm
Hey Yuri!Sorry for the extremely late reply!I hope u've been well:) Thanks for the bday wish*hugs*It was indeed a great great gig and they were AMAZING and so so gracious and kind!I got to meet them after the show and it was just unforgettable.So much more than what I asked for:)I'm so grateful for tt chance!Don't worry Yuri,Fran promised to come back so if they do you're always welcome to join me here:D TAKE CARE speak soon:)
Mmusse Jul-8-09 10.03pm
Hello Yuri, you're very welcome:) I've read the book now. There are many quotes from (mostly) Fran in there that made me smile, it's excellent:) Travis are just the best, can't wait to go to one of their concerts :D Maria.
frandougeil Jul-6-09 10.16am
Hello Yuri:)I'm sorry this reply is rather late too.. Been really busy past few days.Didn't have time to check my page and reply here too;)So no worries;D Yeah I was initially disappointed too upon hearing tt they were performing for an F1 event. Coz they've never really made a proper full scale gig here since their last joint gig in 2001 with Coldplay..But I have to go,just can't miss the chancexDIt'd be great if u could come;D No prob about not having a FB acct.Tt's not weird:)Anyways where's the best place to talk about Travis other than here;D Looked like it was an amazing gig!And yeahhhh they're awesome live!Take care Yuri. Speak soon:D
happy_to_hang_around Jul-2-09 11.56am
Hi,Yuri!Thanks for the request.Nice to meet you,too. By the way,these pictures are great!
frandougeil Jul-1-09 5.05pm
Hello Yuri:)Yeah sure!Just let me know if ur really keen on going;D It'd be awesome to go together with all the other Travis fans:)Of coz u can follow me on Twitter but u might notice that I don't really log in there very often..Do u use Facebook?I could add u up there;D Btw,ur slideshow of Travis pics is awesome!I love it!!
frandougeil Jun-30-09 5.23pm
Hello Yuri:) Remember don't be envious!Ur welcome to join me here in SG;)I'm prob gonna be there with some other Singaporean boardies too;D Gonna be really cool i predict if its confirmed:) Hope all's well in lovely Thailand!*cheers* -Sue
Selfish_Noow Feb-21-09 11.10am
hey how R U? have a nice weekend =D
xokikixo Feb-16-09 2.55pm
aww thanks :D and thanks for accepting yuri!
TheBoyWithAName Feb-9-09 10.47am
Yeah, silly me ;)
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