

varz's Profile Details:

About Me
Work hard, play harder.
Anything and everything - from rnb to opera to pop to indie to rock....
Tour Archive Photos: 11 Show All
varz has attended 10 shows
Barrowlands, Glasgow, UK
Barrowlands, Glasgow, UK
Castlegate, Aberdeen, UK
Barrowlands, Glasgow, UK
SECC, Glasgow, UK
Academy, Manchester, UK
Usher Hall, Edinburgh, UK
SECC, Glasgow, UK
Gig On The Green, Glasgow, UK
Barrowlands, Glasgow, UK

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Member since: April-20-2007
Last Login: February-16-2014
Gender: Female
Country: UK
Posts: 509
Birthday: Feb-2-1987
Profile Views:

Friends: 25 (show all)

96 Comments have been added. Post a Comment?

cosmic Nov-16-09 1.46am
Hey, I just noticed you added a post to my profile like well over 6 months ago! Only just noticed it! Yeah I know, it is soo strange how moving away from home can change you and how you can go back and things never ever change with them. So strange. I finished my degree in May, got my results in June, to my total shock, I got a First... graduated in July had the best time. I think I shocked so many people when I got my results, not been home much but when I am, some of them are full of congratulations cos my photo went into the local paper ... it just had to as a matter of principle and the rest don't say anything, it doesn't bother me but deep down I don't hold anything against them. The guy I spoke about in that original post who said he had me written off... his mum was my primary school teacher in primary 4 and she saw my brother and told him that she was totally delighted about my results. Just goes to show you eh? Good luck with whatever you're doing!! xxx
megg_inc Feb-16-09 11.39pm
Just a week. Still, Spanish & Portugese boys = niiice! lol
megg_inc Feb-16-09 2.59pm
Exciting? Hmmm, not really. Going to Spain for a wee vacation next month though!
megg_inc Feb-15-09 9.30pm
Hello! Everything's fine. No plans so I'm pretty sure we're gonna get drunk together! haha ;) How are you? xx
hennypenny Feb-3-09 1.51am
Happy Birthday!!!!
megg_inc Feb-2-09 10.58pm
Thanks! Happy Birthday deary!!! xxx
megg_inc Jan-27-09 10.30pm
I'm ok, thanks. Exams time though! That part actually sucks a little bit ;).
megg_inc Jan-14-09 11.06pm
Cool! We have to actually meet this time! How are you? Long time no talk! :)
hennypenny Dec-31-08 10.37pm
Happy New Year, varz!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Dec-24-08 9.16pm
Feliz Navidad, Varz!
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