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bogusblue Dec-24-09 11.36pm
Happy Christmas Moo! :o)
velouria Feb-1-09 7.13pm
Hello! Thanks for adding me as a friend!
rebekah Jan-19-09 10.59pm
Aww well I'm glad you like it:) Urmm..I have pretty much all of my exams..except those I did early..hmm dreading it haha! x
rebekah Jan-13-09 8.39pm
Ahh awesome! Well that's real good. What is your favourite subject then? I had a pretty good break thanks..relaxing mostly :) ergh not good back to school though!! Ahh well..soon be Easter haha!! xx
rebekah Jan-12-09 6.55pm
Helloo :) How are you these days? Enjoying college? Are you finding it is better than home education? x
singme0430 Jan-1-09 2.33am
Happy New Year, Moo!!! =)
bogusblue Dec-31-08 11.18pm
Happy New Year, Moo! Wishing you all the best from Mexico City! :o)
Rammsfer Dec-31-08 9.34pm
Happy New Year :)! My bests wishes for you =P
rebekah Dec-25-08 3.53pm
Happy Christmas :) xo
bogusblue Dec-24-08 11.11pm
Merry Christmas, Moo! Have a wonderful time! :o)
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Dec-24-08 9.17pm
Feliz Navidad, Moo! :o)
Chiito-chan Dec-24-08 7.57pm
Merry Christmas Moo!! Best wishes! :)
Moray Nov-1-08 9.55am
moo, wow. The flat travis url is amazing!
hennypenny Oct-30-08 10.49pm
Great job with the Flat Travis video! Very cool:)
Turtleneck Oct-30-08 1.32pm
You did such a great job! Thanks for the web site and thanks to your parents for being such good sports!
Turtleneck Oct-26-08 6.45pm
I'm excited to see it!
Turtleneck Oct-17-08 4.14pm
Ugh, change of plan. Flat Travis go to Drift-Nina in Peru, since Mexico's Manifest has been canceled. Travis are playing in Peru next. Nina says their postal service is slooow.
Turtleneck Oct-16-08 2.13pm
That's fine. They should make it to Mexico with no problem.
Turtleneck Oct-15-08 4.23pm
FT to Alma in Mexico next?
hennypenny Oct-11-08 12.20am
Thanks for accepting and I'm so jealous that you were that close to Dougie:P
hennypenny Oct-9-08 11.56pm
Great pics!
Eledh Oct-9-08 9.36pm
Thank you for last night. It was really great. And I already miss you. And FT. XD Damn.
Turtleneck Oct-9-08 3.31pm
Those pictures are BOSS!
Nikki Oct-8-08 8.00pm
Have a wonderful time at the show! SO happy you got FT in time! Oh, and I love your moo-y background! :)
Turtleneck Oct-8-08 1.00pm
Woo hoo! Excellent! Have a great time tonight!
Turtleneck Oct-7-08 9.49pm
Come on mail people!!!
Turtleneck Oct-6-08 3.44pm
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. I hope they make it in time!
bara Oct-4-08 4.16pm
hey hey im quite fine, thx. just got back from a travel on which i looked for children (ages 2-8 i guess).. was some good days, but busy.. and im quite tired. none the less have to go to a concert later.. sounds like you enjoy your new stuff, eh? cheers! b.
bara Oct-2-08 11.11am
Mooo!!!! how are you? havnt seen you long time! btw have you got a myspace? im defo more often on there than here ;) hope youre doing well! b
missmoo Aug-28-08 4.40pm
I'm good thanks moo, hope jean is fine too :)
missmoo Aug-27-08 11.43am
Hello moo me dear, how are you?
rebekah Aug-23-08 9.59am
hey tha;'s awesome! well done you! I only got the results for the ones i took early, so for R.E i got A* and for geog exam i got an A and for my first part of science i got B..but i do the bulk of mine next year, but i am happy (: xx
Typing to Reach You Aug-22-08 11.05am
I think your 'moo' background is funky! :D
rebekah Aug-21-08 1.44pm
heyy!! wow that sounded real fun! how was it? sorry about the late reply lol. OMG RESULTS DAY!!! how did you do? x
daytimeoyster Aug-21-08 6.02am
good luck for the big day!
rebekah Aug-8-08 4.49pm
ahh i'm awesome thanks! What you been up to lately? You start college soon right? How exciting!! :D xx
rebekah Aug-7-08 3.48pm
helloooo!! how are youu? xxx
luna_loves_frogs Jul-27-08 8.46am
Mooby where are you?????? Please don't be being tortured by the evil dark lord in his fortress! Maybe you don't have credit but you haven't emailed either! This is even worse then the time you had no credit and I started to worry that you were ill or dead and noone told me!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH! Please answer!
luna_loves_frogs Jul-8-08 4.39pm
I like Norweigan Wood by the way. I bet you've never heard it Mooby? 'She showed me her room. Isn't it good? Norweigan wood...'
luna_loves_frogs Jul-8-08 4.36pm
Someone's profile name is Rubber Soul!!! Like as in the Beatles Rubber Soul I am assuming. I think that one's got Norweigan Wood on it...? I really should be more of a knows-every-little-detail-fan like you are about Travis and LOTR etc.
mozman68 Jun-24-08 3.53pm
I need the background story on your kick ass avatar!!
TheInvisibleBoy Jun-22-08 5.47pm
Hey, thanks for accepting. I like your background. Hope you've had a good weekend! =]
rubbersoul Jun-15-08 10.36am
moo:D How are you? I remember you like playing piano, so what is your favorite work? I like various genre, for example new age,classic,etc.
luna_loves_frogs Jun-11-08 3.41pm
Just to let you know that my indestructible plant Voldemort had not taken me off to his Evil Dark moss fortress! Love you!
weirdmom Jun-9-08 8.55pm
I want to pet your avatar.
rebekah Jun-9-08 6.34pm
hey :) cool! I had an R.E one last week :( it went well though. I tried to add you but you had to put either your last name or email address and as i didn't know either i couldn't add :( You can with me though :) i'll message you it :) so you goood? x
nancy_mad_for_travis Jun-8-08 8.30pm
Hello!... hey my finals were great!!.. to good to be truth, that's for sure!... and what's up with you??...are you still on classes??.... hope everything is fine! :) love and cheers!!! :D
rubbersoul Jun-8-08 8.57am
thanks a lot :-) is your study going well? hmm.. here's weather is not good but if rain fall, i'll go for walk! i love rain. yeah, i have a question. 'xoxo' means love? if so, xoxo moo!
rebekah Jun-7-08 8.34pm
heyy :) i never knew you had myspace!! (looks onto your page now and sees how you have put it *slightly embarrasses*) i will add you or :) how are you? xxx
rubbersoul Jun-6-08 11.00am
hey =) i miss you so much yeah,we long time no correspond i'm studing for university as always see ya soon!
spid Jun-4-08 2.31pm
My favourite are the early ones and the Wee Free Men ones that he does now. I found them more interently funny whereas his later stuff is intellectually funny. Still good though. Never had the cahance to meet him though so a bit jealous.
spid Jun-3-08 5.29pm
Ah, Terry Pratchett - been reading him since 'The Colour of Magic' came out. A natural progression after Douglas Adams and the such like.
spid May-30-08 2.28pm
thanks for the add
missmoo May-21-08 1.11pm
Im good thanks moo :) Glad you and Jean are fine x
missmoo May-20-08 7.34pm
Hiya Moo! It's Moo! How are you and Jean?
Turtleneck May-18-08 5.09pm
We're starting to arrange Flat Travis' tour schedule. You're in England, right? We want to keep FT traveling between different countries.
Turtleneck May-16-08 1.26pm
Guess what I discovered--my state is in the top 5 best states for homeschooling in the US! The rules are very relaxed. Looks like I may try it, at least with my son. Mr. Turtleneck is all for it, too!
nancy_mad_for_travis May-14-08 6.15am
Happy B-Day!!!... hey better late than never?? :P Hope you have passed a very nice day!... and thanks a lot for the post... i didn't have time to post back because i'm in finals :S.... wish me luck! And about the Fellowship soundtrack... 'The parting of the fellowship' it's my favorite one! ;) and the songs you mentioned... really rocks!!! :D Have a nice day! Goodbye crocodile!
Monica May-9-08 3.51pm
Yeah! I like Alonso, he's a genius, hehe. I guess you like Hamilton, don't you? :p
Chiito-chan May-9-08 3.37pm
Happy Birthday Moo!! 16!=D and have a great weekend!
Monica May-9-08 1.59pm
Hey! Thanks for the add! ;)
singme0430 May-9-08 1.41pm
Hello! :) Thanks a lot for the request. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! And also have a great weekend! ;)
goosey_84 May-8-08 7.16am
my friend's name is Ruel...but we call him fact. haha
rebekah May-2-08 3.58pm
ahhh yeah its your birthday!!! wooo! i love birthdays lol :P I'm not sure either..probably something though lol..we'll see :) x
rebekah May-2-08 3.25pm
(: yaa same Autumn is mucho better! Yeaahh bank holiday weekend :) woooo!! doing anything special? x
rebekah May-1-08 3.47pm
I suppose it's not tooo bad lol..i've had an OVERLOAD of coursework lately so have been a bit pre-occupied lol It will be over soonn though..I just can't wait for the Summer!! although strabgely enouugh i don't like heat!! x
rebekah May-1-08 2.55pm
Hey up! I'm alot better now thanks :) arrghh maths exam? That suckss!! ergh i don't like maths lol I haven't been up to much..geography coursework mainly (which am doing now lol)...What you been up to? x
rebekah Apr-25-08 8.13pm
HEYY! woooww!! well done! That's wicked! I'm alright thanks..a bit have a very bad cold.. :( ahh welll..How are you doing? X
rhysy Apr-25-08 4.21pm
yh coursework is all done now :D:D:D sociology coursework went from an F to a B so s'all gd how u been ent spoke to u in AGES x
Chiito-chan Apr-25-08 4.19pm
Nice to chat with you too =) Today is Friday!!have a great weekend Moo!!=D
bara Apr-25-08 11.11am
heya moo... thats one of my most favourite things to do ;)
rebekah Apr-23-08 4.04pm
heeyyy :) congrats on that intervieeww!! I'm sure you'll do greatt!! X
missmoo Apr-22-08 7.57pm
Hiya Moo:) More moo's the better haha :)
bara Apr-22-08 6.13pm
heya moo hope to talk to you soon ;) b.
Chiito-chan Apr-22-08 4.45pm
I like your profile, i love pirates of the caribean too :) Definitely your profile is so cool. haha, cheers!
Chiito-chan Apr-22-08 4.39pm
Hola!thanks for the add Moo!
Peewee Apr-22-08 2.14pm
Cheers for the Add MOO!!!! lmao Class pic you and the moomoo! :p
Aletways Apr-21-08 7.47pm
I'm a huge Keane fan, hehe! Glad to see you are too!
Aletways Apr-21-08 7.25pm
Hi! Thanks for the add! =o)
varz Apr-21-08 6.11pm
twizzle? thats an awesome name! mine is called fudge (or fudgecake hehe)! not very imaginative!!
varz Apr-21-08 5.26pm
chocolate labrador - shes absolutely beautiful but really quite stupid!!!x
varz Apr-21-08 3.46pm
shellfish jean is an awesome pet though!!! wouldnt worry - i think its just that all animals have some degree of weirdness.. my dog likes to slide down the stairs on her tummy for example... x
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Apr-21-08 2.20pm
Hi Moo! Thanks for the friend request! I really like your profile, it looks great!
Cheers from Buenos Aires :o)
varz Apr-21-08 12.49pm
eww, i didn't know cows licked people?!!! unless u just found a weird one?! hehe xx
mili Apr-21-08 11.55am
Hello Maria Thanks for the add! All the best to Shellfish Jean (love that name!)
iraida Apr-21-08 4.00am
I love the pic that you have with Fran :)
varz Apr-20-08 10.18pm
cheers for the friend request! lovin the pic of u and the cow!!! :) x
iraida Apr-20-08 4.03pm
Hey gracias for the friend request, that`s a loveley pic indeed :)
Nikki Apr-20-08 2.19pm
Hey Miss Moo! Cute cow pic! :) Thanks for the friend request!
Moray Apr-20-08 11.07am
nancy_mad_for_travis Apr-19-08 7.18pm
Hello!.. Thankx for the post! Hooray for LOTR!! i'm hearing now Fellowship soundtrack ^_^ Say hello to your beatiful shellfish jean! Cheers from Mexico! :)
nancy_mad_for_travis Apr-17-08 4.08am
I was wandering through the messageboard when i saw the photos of you with lovely Fran and Dougie, and well because of the Lord of the Rings mention too... because i'm a LOTR lover too!!... so i pass here to visit your profile...its fantabolous!!... :) Cheers from Mexico!!
wendongotta Apr-14-08 7.41pm
let us know when you paint shellfish jean's shell! i really want to see it!
TK23 Apr-13-08 1.06am
Haha :] Ugh, and today was even warmer. I got sunburned :[. It's crazy.
TK23 Apr-10-08 7.21pm
Ooh, Florida is quite nice (though I bet Kent is nice too!), very sunny indeed. It's a super hot 82 degrees F today, lol ;]
TK23 Apr-8-08 8.34pm
lol! Yeah, I was wondering! A pet cow would be quite strange. & Im from Florida ; ]
rebekah Apr-8-08 2.40pm
ahahahahhah lol..well honey is pretty tastey :) but seriously there's only a certain amount of long shore drift and erosion i can take..argghh!!! i shouldn't really be on now..but it helps taking little short breaks lol. So what you been up to? x
rebekah Apr-8-08 2.22pm
Aaah i'm a bit better :) it comes and it goes lol. Arghhh revision!!!! stupid doing geography at the mo :( argggies Did Selfish Jean like the banana dipped in honey? sounds pretty good if i do say so myself :) x
TK23 Apr-8-08 1.09am
Love the cow pic!! Where in the world are you?
rebekah Apr-7-08 9.01pm
ahh glad to hear you're better...although i hurt my back and feel like i've crushed my knee over the wekend :( it hurtss! x
rebekah Apr-5-08 9.29pm
ahh no that doesn't sound too goo..i hope your'e alrightyy :) naa i haven't been up to much..lazing about reallyy :) x
rebekah Apr-4-08 2.30pm
hahahahahaha lol! im good thanks :) been up to much? x
rebekah Apr-2-08 9.20pm
hey you! you okayy? x
GMS1968 Mar-22-08 11.41am
Hi. Thanks for replying to my "travis words in yor life" post. ;-)
rebekah Mar-21-08 5.11pm
St johns ambulance sounds good! i could never do anything like that..i dont like blood!! or seeing people hurt lol.. i would love to study art..but ive heard its quite hard to get into..but you have given me new found enthusiasm :) i hope you get better..i hate being ill!! it sucks :(
Dun-dun-dunlop Mar-19-08 3.05am
It's a Lake Placid Blue, '72 Fender Strat whose name is Dougie. ;) Sorry if the photo is a little dark, by the way; it looks perfectly fine on my monitor at home, but, everywhere else, it's violently dark. Weird. Your photos with Fran and Dougie are awesome, by the way. =)
rebekah Mar-18-08 3.36pm
ahhh Wicked! al those sound amazing! i am doing R.E fast track so i take the exams this year then next year i am doing critical thinking AS...i'm really into philosophy and stuff..people find it boring but i dont lol..but i LOVE art i'm a bit stuck...i know its really hard to get a good job in the art field..but photography would be my first preference. I hate horrible poeple like bullies..i mean they totally can ruin lives! I'd like to be home educated i think..but i dunno if i could concentrate that hard lol...i go to a drama club called interface..but thats about it for club wise..what sort of youth clubs do you go to? xxx
galletitabonita Mar-18-08 4.08am
and thanks for adding me!!!!. CHEERS!
galletitabonita Mar-18-08 4.06am
oh my god!!! all the camaras fail when we really need it... you should've been very nervious in that moment right? but Dougie is so lovely, always with the biggest smile =)
rebekah Mar-17-08 7.04pm
wicked! sounds interesting..especially Human Physiology and Health. What do you plan to study at college? i wanna do photography.. need to get a good camera lol.. i dont know anyone home it alright? do you stil socialise as much? xx
rebekah Mar-17-08 6.48pm
argh! way too much! is playing a major part in my life at the moment lol..then theres english, spanish, textiles.. and way too many others that i dont wanna think about XxX
rebekah Mar-17-08 6.09pm
yeah that does suck a bit lol..a whole yearr!!!! arghhh... well it seems like we have quite alot to look forward to..the inkheart travis CD coming out :D am well happy..although i just can't wait!!! :( any ideas to keep me entertained while i wait lol? although coursework is keeping me busy most of the time! xxx
rebekah Mar-17-08 5.34pm
thanks :) I know!! and the film as well!! it will be pretty awesome!! -that is a pretty good website for all the movie stuff..i hope its as good as the books though..i hate it when films don't live up to expectations lol..ah well can't wait!!! xx
rebekah Mar-17-08 5.22pm
Hey :) i just wanna say i LOVE inkheart and inkspell :D awww dustfinger :P
galletitabonita Mar-17-08 4.06am
I understand you girl!!! such a beautiful moment, isn't it?
galletitabonita Mar-15-08 7.12am
wowwww, I love your pic, Dougie looks so happy, lucky you... =)
luna_loves_frogs Mar-10-08 4.21pm
sorry i havent been on for ages i had SCHOOl!!! Anyway your the one who never text me back when i said i couldn't go to cadets!
Dun-dun-dunlop Feb-28-08 8.06pm
Hello, fellow Ringer! =D
luna_loves_frogs Feb-21-08 4.32pm
You must show Shellfish Jean's friend snippet, she is the friendlier crab!
luna_loves_frogs Feb-19-08 3.24pm
Hiya Mooby Moo! Now you must 'Join with Us' at The Feeling Site!! Woo Yah!
janinep1 Jun-12-07 4.24pm
Fantastic pics from the gig on Sunday!!!! and what an amazing gig it was!