

mcveighp's Profile Details:

About Me
I'm a singer/songwriter
I love All music from pop to rock to metal to classical
Also loads lol
Are good!!! Read them!
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Member since: November-13-2008
Last Login: July-08-2015
Gender: Male
Country: IE
Posts: 74
Birthday: May-12-1985
Occupation: Musician
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silvella Feb-22-09 4.32pm
Hey Pete!!! How was the gig? Nice to hear from you again, although you are sick. So do I! LOL! Got a massive cold, and had a "gig" yesterday, too. I'm member at a club that presents a carneval convention every year, and I was "Sylvie van der Vaart" in a sketch (the wife of dutch football star Rafael van der Vaart) and "Bart Simpson" in a show dance - still yellow today!! I'll look for a review of your gig, and if you have one, let me know!! Thanks for joining!
silvella Jan-3-09 2.40pm
Hey Pete and Eskimos Fall! I wish you and the band a happy new year and all the big success with your music you deserve!!
irenesfor Jan-1-09 12.34am
Happy 2009!!! =D
silvella Nov-28-08 1.37pm
Hey Pete, thanks, I'm fine. I've found two german online magazines which are interested in "undiscovered" bands. But they are in german. I think they need a short text about you and your music. I would offer to translate it in german, and you could send then all the contact dates and the german text to them. Or, however, you send it in english. The magazines are called "Visions" ( info site: At the bottom are informations which mean: send your application to , with subject "unexplored", include the URL of the band site, a short band information and a photo of the band in jpg-file. The other one is "Musikexpress" ( ). Here it is called Bandwatch, but I can't find a link where you can send your application to. But you could send it to the online editorial at So, if you need some help or information, let me know!! I will be pleased to do that for you. Have a nice weekend! Silvia.
silvella Nov-21-08 6.06pm
Oh, spreading your music is work in progress!! I'm thinking of some options like sending emails to online music magazines or radio stations - what do you think?
irenesfor Nov-14-08 10.03pm
Hey, your music is great!! I imagine your songs on the radio, they sound really well, hehe :D
bara Nov-13-08 12.12pm
heya pete nice music you do with your eskimo fall guys. so if you ever are in the city, tell me ;)
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