

luna_loves_frogs's Profile Details:

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> Re: random pet thread
About Me
I don't know what to write! I like frogs, Music, books, brain training, Moo the Evil Boffin, watermelon etc. I hate Jaffa Cakes, tomatoes, Abba, peas, Elvis(sorry) and lots of other stuff! Mine and Moo's website- click here now (please) or you will incur my wrath!!!!
The Feeling, Travis(funny that), The Hoosiers, The Beatles, Keane, Blackfield(yes, I know you've never heard of them!) and more...
Lots including:LOTR,POTC,Harry Potter, Sunshine, V for Vendetta, I am Legend, Children of Men, A Tale of Two Sisters, Howl's Moving Castle etc etc.
Harry Potter, Noughts and Crosses, Tales of the Otori, Jane Eyre, Narnia etc. etc.
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Member since: February-19-2008
Last Login: October-15-2008
Gender: Female
Country: UK
Posts: 1
Birthday: Jan-7-1992
Occupation: Nutter, student and volunteer at PDSA
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Friends: 2

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moo_the_evil_boffin Jun-2-09 5.50pm
My god it's been ages since I posted on here! Look! There's stuff from when I got back from Astoria and I was hysterically happy ^_^ Love you crazy one :-) xxxxxxxx
moo_the_evil_boffin Oct-13-08 6.49pm
moo_the_evil_boffin Aug-12-08 2.49pm
Becca what's happened???? Where the hell are you???
moo_the_evil_boffin Jul-27-08 4.18pm
Hey! Now we have established that I am alive and well lol... What have you been up to of late? XXX
moo_the_evil_boffin Jul-8-08 7.18pm
I have infact heard Norweigan Wood. I can play it on my piano!!!! I have been able to play it for years! Why did I never tell ye?? Hmmmmm...
moo_the_evil_boffin Jun-25-08 2.31pm
Have fun at the prom tonight mad one! Gets me out of cadets at least lol. Are we going to arrange a trip to the waters blue? NO CLOTHES SHOPS. Cd shops yes, mad shops yes, clothes shops no. I hate them. So very much. How be ye, anywho?
moo_the_evil_boffin Jun-17-08 3.02pm
Luna have you been trying to persuade slightly sane people to watch Big Changing Rooms??? I will have to think of some more penalties lol
rebekah Jun-12-08 4.07pm
heyy :) Thanks!! they are my outside bunnies :) bunnies are probably my favourite animal i think.. I don't watch big brother..but i have heard people talk about her a bit lol so how are you? xxx
moo_the_evil_boffin Jun-11-08 9.08pm
Ah this is always good. Do you like my latest avatar? CUTEST. THINGS. EVER! The cubs' father is Tugs- the tiger who always greeted me! Anywho, See you soon. XXX
moo_the_evil_boffin May-20-08 6.48am
Haven't spoken to you for what? Two days?! Please tell me you haven't been captured by Sauron or Voldemort or something! Because that would be bad. XXX
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