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frandougeil Jan-1-09 11.51am
sherlock Sep-12-08 11.25am
hi :) another singapore travis fan. nice.
frandougeil Sep-9-08 11.04am
Thanx for ur e-mail add.I'll add u on facebook in a jiffy=)
frandougeil Sep-9-08 11.02am
centraL figure?haha..thank U=)i'll be more than honoured to take up that post=D tt part about relieving stress is true.This is a good site to visit when ur stressed and Travis songs are perfect to listen to when ur about to explode..was kidding bout the name Travislocity.Im known for coming up with weird terms and tt's just 1 of it.haha!
akanksha Sep-9-08 4.35am
I hope it doesn't take longer than maybe a couple of years or something. Haha, I was reading ST Life! just now and there's a quote from Fran on the comics page. I love spotting Travis in the newspaper! xD
frandougeil Sep-6-08 3.58pm
gosH sorry for the double post...btw i read ur blog is rather interesting=) and i saw ur singfest videos.. haha!i was right in front in the middle with the towel with the Travis trademark on it..
frandougeil Sep-6-08 3.56pm
oh weLL HAHA!!lets just pogo then*) maybe if they do come back we'll go meet them at the airport if not wait around after their giG till they come out..heeeE!i heard they're really reallY friendly and will always mingle with their fans.oh ya and i thought about ur Travis fan club idea too...what shall we name it??I came up with this:TravislocitY.haha.
frandougeil Sep-6-08 3.56pm
oh weLL HAHA!!lets just pogo then*) maybe if they do come back we'll go meet them at the airport if not wait around after their giG till they come out..heeeE!i heard they're really reallY friendly and will always mingle with their fans.oh ya and i thought about ur Travis fan club idea too...what shall we name it??I came up with this:TravislocitY.haha.
akanksha Sep-5-08 11.24am
I hope they don't take like SEVEN YEARS to come back(as they've done from 2001-2008.) That would be an AWFULLY. LONG. TIME. to wait!
akanksha Sep-4-08 6.09pm
My friend said she waited outside for their bus to come out and that's how she met them. I'm still jealous, arrrrgh.
julessupertramp Sep-4-08 5.07pm
hello there!a new friend =)(big smile) its good to know another person from sg who loves Travis.lets spread the Travis love around.happy to know u n c u around cheers, jules
frandougeil Sep-4-08 4.39pm
heLLo heLLo=)) i actually contemplated of welcoming them at the airport when they came for singfest but dropped the idea coz of many reasons..mostly coz i was scared i'll be making a fool of myself in front of TRAVis..haha!but if they ever do come back maybe we should stick around after their gig so we can take a couple of pics with them=DDDD that would be aWesome!oh n nice knowing U*)
akanksha Sep-4-08 4.05pm
Hello! Cool, you're like one mrt station away from me, haha :) Ahh it's great to know a Travis fan within close proximity! Your blog is nice - I'm interested in writing toooo :D
Monica Aug-30-08 4.43pm
Hello and thanks for the add ;)
gladsadmad Aug-29-08 5.01pm
Check your inbox for the secret news...