

konker's Profile Details:

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> Re: 80's Now and Forever
About Me
I live in a small, retro country, Hungary, where the time has stopped.But otherwise it's a fine country.
Music is my passion. I play the guitar and I'd like to make a band like Travis(what else?:))Or The Kooks.(great band anyone can say anything!)And Foo Fighters!I love them!These 3 bands are the gretest in the world!(And the fourth one gonna be my own band:P)
Gladiator, Kontroll(hungarian movie, the only fine hungarian)But I prefer series,f.e.:The Shield,Criminal Minds,THE OFFICE!!!and Így tévéztek ti(also hungarian,but it's a sick, brutally funny, critical series)
I love all kinds os books, I can't mention favourites.If I can I read.(For example in the school, insted of German language lesson)
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Member since: November-02-2008
Last Login: April-02-2009
Gender: Female
Country: HU
Posts: 1
Birthday: Aug-3-1991
Occupation: student
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