

kiwi's Profile Details:

About Me
Resident Kiwi since 2003, I feel old. Currently living, working, and studying in London.
New Order, Nick Drake, Idlewild, Bert Jansch, John Martyn, Ghostpoet, The Twilight Sad, Frightened Rabbit.
Wilbur Wants To Kill Himself, Control, The Wind That Shakes The Barley, Hot Fuzz, Hors de Prix, Death At A Funeral (UK), Howl's Moving Castle, The History Boys, The Secret of Roan Inish, Dedication.
The Cross Stitch series, crap chick lit.
Tour Archive Photos: 7 Show All
kiwi has attended 4 shows
Tripod, Dublin, IE
Hammersmith Apollo, London, UK
Carling Academy, Liverpool, UK

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Member since: April-20-2007
Last Login: June-11-2013
Gender: Female
Country: UK
Posts: 564
Birthday: Aug-18-1987
Occupation: Perpetual Student
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Friends: 32 (show all)

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TheBoyWithAName Nov-2-09 6.47pm
Hello hello Hannah(?) :) My name is Alex and I'm from Sweden, in case you didn't know :P Well I haven't done a christmas exchange before so I don't know what people usually buy for each other, should it be Christmas- or Travis-related, or could it be anything? Cheers!
dee Feb-28-09 11.56am
love the profile pic! :)
Peewee Feb-28-09 10.46am
Hahaha I was actually going to put something like that up too but ended up with "biting heads off". Pity you couldn't get in enlarged! x
Peewee Feb-26-09 1.09pm
I like your pic...pretty sky!
TheBoyWithAName Feb-25-09 8.13pm
I agree with Nell! Just ignore them, don't leave the board! You can't let those bastards win! What they say to you doesn't even make sense, so don't let it get to you! Please stay and talk to the people who treat each other with respect! I'd like to get to know you as well and I don't have facebook :( Pretty please stay!
Nell Feb-25-09 7.55pm
Hey what happened? Plz don't leave the board jut because of some nutheads... I don't know you that well yet, but I'd like a chance to get to know you ;) Don't let them get to you! Just ignore we -try ... Have nice evening! Nell
irenesfor Jan-5-09 1.37pm
Ahaha, OK, I'm glad you liked the presents, I love all of yours too :)
irenesfor Jan-1-09 12.20am
Happy 2009, Hannah!! =D btw, did you receive the present??
Peewee Nov-11-08 9.47pm
Yes they are identical twins :) God Neigbours are promoting music now...geez! That's bad...prob since half their cast go on to make some crappy tunes. lol Yeah I am ok, don't have winter blues just jet...that usually kicks in January for me. Seen the setting up the Christmas Market in Belfast today so I'm getting excited that Christmas is like 6 weeks away! woohoo. lol
Peewee Nov-9-08 6.41pm
haha yes I do quite like them. Dunno how I found them...I think through Lastfm, not sure. I like a few of their songs! See I like cheesy girly music too. I don't watch neighbours, that tis seriously CRAP! lol How's you?
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