

killer queen's Profile Details:

About Me
*I love Travis. *I have a really strange sense of humor that bothers a lot of people, haha. *I love movies. *I love hugs. *I'm in love with Jude Law :P *I studied french for a year (and yet, my french sucks). *I don't like swimming. *I dance... really bad. *I play the guitar... really bad. *My favourite colour is green (blue is my second). *I'm mexican (just in case you didn't notice xD). *I like to read and... *I have brown hair and beautiful eyes, haha.
The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Oasis, The cranberries, U2, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Coldplay, Queen, Porter, Dido, Pink Floyd, of course, Radiohead (also Thom Yorke), Travis... and all those I forgot
Sweeney Todd, La vie en rose, All the king's men, Paradise now, Tim Burtons', The illusionist, Alfie, Closer (Jude Law's actually), and a lot more i can't think of right now (I'll think about them, for sure)
José Saramago, Isabel Allende, Stephen King, Paul Kennedy, Eric Hobsbawm...
Tour Archive Photos: 1 Show All
killer queen has attended 3 shows
Foro Sol, Mexico City, MX
Vive Cuervo Salon, Mexico City, MX
Sports Palace, Mexico City, MX

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killer queen
Member since: April-20-2007
Last Login: November-09-2010
Gender: Female
Country: MX
Posts: 492
Birthday: Feb-9-1987
Occupation: Student
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Friends: 28 (show all)

78 Comments have been added. Post a Comment?

bogusblue Dec-24-09 10.56pm
¡Feliz navidad, Fabiola!
galletitabonita Mar-20-09 6.53am
amigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, fuiste a Radiohead? quetal te fue???? hay que preparar el plan para acosar a Travis jajaja, ñaca ñaca, te mando saludotes! :)
physke Mar-1-09 4.57am
hii! I've just seen you message:) I am busy trying to kill myself nowadays.. I hate school:) how are you?
bogusblue Jan-29-09 2.01am
El viernes será!!! ;oD
galletitabonita Jan-25-09 9.47pm
tengo la misma preguntita que Marisol amiga, segurita que no tienes algun pendiente para el viernes? yo tambien voto por ese dia amiga!!!!
U28mich Jan-25-09 5.34pm
Vamooooooooooooooos a vernos ya este viernes?? pero si tu tienes tu grad... no andaras ocupada??
bogusblue Jan-25-09 5.06am
Sí, espero que ya quedemos bien para la otra semana :oS. Yo voto por el viernes... bueno, ahorita mando mail jaja. Sí, mi foto anterior era titanesca jaja, era una de las bancas que están ahí en Reforma. Ya habías visto esa, no? Y el chavo es un amigo, nada más jaja
Rammsfer Jan-24-09 2.25am
Si! *Gracias Dios* Ohh, haha ya entiendo ;) que bn que bn hehe, orale maestra? Mis respetos! ajajha :P Ehm pues que mañana tengo unos xv años haha xD ehmm y ya haha :D
Rammsfer Jan-23-09 9.05pm
Haha si ya se, pero, por fin es fin de semana! a huevooooooooooooooooooooooooo xD haha, por que Karma? si nunca ha hecho nada malo (H) haha y eso? que bueno que estes feliz haha! xo
galletitabonita Jan-22-09 8.10am
muchas gracias amigaaaaaaaa, espero nos veamos este fin... aunque ya no se bien que onda =S
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