

joesantos's Profile Details:

About Me
I write short stories and short songs, i would like to live on that someday. meanwhile i work. i love cats, beer, basketball and soccer, argentinian ASADO with friends and thats it.
Bach, Sumo, Las Pelotas, TRAVIS, Traditional Jazz, a bit of Mozart, THE CLASH!!!, electronic lol, a mix of all that plus 35 more artists including beatles, pink floyd, queen, radiohead and so on.
not many, i like humour and drama mmm i watch animal planet all the time... kids in the hall, whose line is it anyway?, the simpsons, futurama, family guy... basketball games (argentina is THE dream team). manu rules!
Authors: Fontanarrosa, Quino, Saki, Arlt, Cortázar, Woody Allen, James Thurber, Borges y algunos más. Ambrose Bierce, Poe, Juana de Ibarbourou, Alfonsina Storni... lots
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Member since: July-06-2007
Last Login: December-04-2007
Gender: Male
Country: AR
Posts: 45
Birthday: Aug-29-1975
Occupation: Cybercafiolo y otros curros
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Friends: 8 (show all)

9 Comments have been added. Post a Comment?

lucia Dec-26-07 12.10am
felices fiestas. que estes bien.
lucia Aug-13-07 10.46pm
hola, che tanto tenes que mostrar las traducciones que me dijiste, acordate. saludos
gaby Aug-1-07 12.04am
hola!!! ademas de la nacionalidad, compartimos gustos musicales :-) SALUDOS!
drift-nina Jul-15-07 2.37pm
bienvenido al board ........ y no sabia k existia esa frase usando a mi pais xD ( interesante interesante jajaja ) nina
lucia Jul-11-07 1.58am
Perdon, por todos los lio para escuchar las canciones de Travis, y eternos agradecimientos ahora conozco canciones desconocidas.besos
lucia Jul-9-07 2.22am
Hola, me encantaron tus tres listas, estan muy buenas. gracias por agregarme. de q parte de Arg. sos?
Monica Jul-8-07 10.59pm
¡Hola! ¡Muchas gracias por añadirme! Un saludo.
Monica Jul-8-07 1.42am
¡Hola! ¿Cómo va eso?
BettyPekker Jul-6-07 10.52am
welcome here
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