

irenesfor's Profile Details:

About Me
Art music science music animals music the universe music sleeping music. I dont like music, I don't have a coma on my keyboard.
TRAVIS and thebeatles oasis coldplay she&him amymacdonald davidbowie pattismith pulp radiohead blur supergrass therollingstones reginaspektor bobdylan theanimals thekinks themamasandthepapas amaral chopin johnnycash johnnywinter chuckberry elvispresley theronettes nancysinatra franksinatra queen ledzeppelin deeppurple thepretenders and onemillionbandsmore.
Harry Potter's, Les Choristes, Juno, all of Tim Burton, High FIdelity, Son Of Rambow, 500 Days of Summer, Comedy Films (Mr.Bean..), The Simpsons, Spongebob Squarepants xD, The Yellow Submarine... (Yes, I love the yellow) And the ones of Travis, of course.
Harry Potter, High Fidelity, comics and more.
Tour Archive Photos: 31 Show All
irenesfor has attended 3 shows
Ramdall, Madrid, ES
Razzmatazz, Barcelona, ES
Eutopia 07, Cordoba, ES

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Member since: December-11-2007
Last Login: January-22-2016
Gender: Female
Country: ES
Posts: 967
Birthday: Aug-30-1992
Occupation: Student / Travis Fan / Music Lover
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Friends: 55 (show all)

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bogusblue Dec-24-09 11.32pm
¡Feliz navidad, Irene! :o)
BenFilbert Oct-14-09 10.43pm
Awww, lovely picture. :) Check my Facebook photos. I put some pictures up. ;) xxx
Rammsfer Oct-13-09 2.10am
Uy! Que mal...pero me alegro que ya tengas hehe, y espero que ya no se te vaya xD Que tengas buen inicio de semana :)
frandougeil Oct-8-09 4.31pm
Hola Irene:) Graciasss for the kind words amiga*hugs* Hope u've been bien;) I'd love to visit Cordoba someday!Also thanks for the bday wish:) You're lovely!Cuidate y besos!
BenFilbert Oct-6-09 4.33pm
Hola amiga! *hugs* I've not taken the Nightmare Before Christmas photo yet. Will do soon. :) I would love to go New York at Christmas time. lol, i don't expect you to remember the address but you won't have too much trouble finding it. And you can always ask me again closer to the time. ;) Thanks Irene, you have a nice week too! xxx
Rammsfer Oct-6-09 2.43am
Hola Irene! :D Si, no te preocupes! Vaya, que mal :S Me alegro que ya tengas Internet de vuelta :D Increible! Que concierto, en serio, todo un espectáculo, que grandes son! :D Si, pero ya se acabaron (hehe gracias a Dios!). Mmm, pues debe ser mejor, no? Menos examenes hehehe! Sii, por ahi lei que te los quitaron, que alivio :D Me da un gusto enorme. Cuidate mucho, suerte en clases. Besos!
frandougeil Sep-28-09 7.15pm
Holaaaaaaaaa Irene:D As u know by now the gig was crazy awesome:DDDD I was the happiest I've ever been in my life!Now I know how u felt when u met them*HUGGGGGGS* They're all so lovely and kind!Btw,thanks for the info on Cordoba:D I'd love to visit it and esp to meet u there would be awesome:) Come to SG and then u'll know if it is boring or not.hehe;p It'd be my pleasure to show you around!Cuidate y besos amiga:D
BenFilbert Sep-28-09 2.43pm
I'll upload a picture of all my Nightmare Before Christmas stuff to Facebook. ;) lol Wow, good luck! I hope you get the chance to go, it's an amazingly special place. The shop is at 5th Avenue and 55th street. It had more NightmareBC stuff last year but still a lot this year. Next time i go, i'll get even more! Hehe. xxx
Rammsfer Sep-28-09 2.33am
Hola Irene! :D Muy bien, todo bien, pero mañana empiezo examenes :( Si! Es este jueves 1 de Octubre :D Ya no puedo esperar hehe :P Tu que tal? Todo bien? :D
BenFilbert Sep-17-09 4.04pm
Hola Irene. Thanks for the "Happy Birthday". I was away so didn't get a chance to say thank you. :) In New York i bought more Nightmare Before Christmas stuff from the Disney shop to add to what i bought last year. I've got LOADS now! Seriously! Haha. Avril's album is not out in November. She has confirmed it to be March, so quite a while yet. Single in January. Name unconfirmed but you're right, glad it's not "Sweet and Pink Princess". Hehe. Hope you're well. Love the picture above by the way, it's great! xxx
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