

fenririel's Profile Details:

Travis. Keane. The Killers. MIKA. Indigo Girls. Jen Foster. Train. Death Cab For Cutie. Coldplay. Belle and Sebastian. Lila Downs. Jorge Drexler.
I love Guillermo Del Toro's works (and worlds!).

Das Leben der Andere made me cried at the end.

Der Himmel über Berlin made me want to visit that city (and I did it, back in 2008!)

The Lord of the Rings (only time I've ever attended a movie marathon was to watch all three extended versions in the cinema).

The Avengers. Ratatouille. Wall-E. Stranger than Fiction...

I love all of Miyazaki's films...

I love all the movies starred by Ricardo Darin too...

I think I like all kind of movies, actually...

Sci-fi & Fantasy, mainly: all of Earthsea Books; Fahrenheit 451, The Illustrated Man, Martian Chronicles (my favorite tale from this is "And the moon be still as bright...").

The Lord of the Rings, The Doomsday Book (this one made me cry towards the end... I know, I'm a crybaby! :P ).

Other fiction works I like: Norwegian Wood, The Stranger, The Price of Salt.

Ode au Saint Laurent, by Gatien Lapointe.

My favorite books in spanish: Pedro Páramo, Aura, Al filo del agua, La casa de Bernarda Alba, Platero y yo (such a beautiful poetry-in-prose work, by Juan Ramón Jiménez) Ficciones.

I'm deeply fond of any of the surreal and extravagant stories written by César Aira (Diario de la Hepatitis is currently my favorite one)

Tour Archive Photos: 22 Show All
fenririel has attended 5 shows
Teatro Diana, Guadalajara, MX
Pepsi Center, Mexico City, MX
Teatro Diana, Guadalajara, MX
Foro Sol, Mexico City, MX
Sports Palace, Mexico City, MX

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Member since: May-18-2009
Last Login: March-23-2016
Gender: Female
Country: MX
Posts: 154
Birthday: Aug-25-1981
Occupation: Computers Geek
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Friends: 10 (show all)

2 Comments have been added. Post a Comment?

fenririel Nov-25-15 4.58am
Hola Tuk! Apenas vengo viendo tu solicitud... estoy MUY emocionada con todo esto que está sucediendo de los chicos. ¿Tú?
Tuk Aug-27-15 5.05pm
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