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Edel Jan-3-12 9.26pm
Hey Bara, I only saw your comment now as more or less never check my profile (nothing ever happens there so no point hehe. I'm doing ok and yups still hanging around Travisland, is that sad? ;0) Hows tricks with you? And Happy new year
RaZzZ Feb-8-09 7.27am
Owww... Sorry!!! But i didnĀ“t know that you attended gig in Berlin. So, next time hope to see you!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-13-08 3.13pm
Links please :D
TheBoyWithAName Nov-13-08 2.37pm
Well Rammstein is'nt really my cup of tea ;) I have only heard a couple of Kraftwerk songs, but don't know their names...well one of them is called Computer Love. Hmmm no havn't heard of them either, German-music isn't a strong subject :P Do you have any group that sounds like Travis or so? :D
TheBoyWithAName Nov-13-08 12.50pm
....and of course: KRAFTWERK!
TheBoyWithAName Nov-13-08 12.24pm
Haha Olas "banana"-suit =) Well I know about Ramstein, but that's about it I'm afraid :( You seem to be in to Swedish music though! What's the story behind that? ;)
TheBoyWithAName Nov-12-08 1.42pm
Yes I've been a The Ark fan for since their breakthrough! Have you seen them in Germany? Favourite song/album etc? Well I've heard the names, but I haven't listened to their music. Mando Diao is a great band though! =) Fun talking to people with great taste ;)
TheBoyWithAName Nov-11-08 12.42pm
Wohooo! I want to visit Berlin someday, you have lovely beer over there ;) I'm from The Ark-land, Sweden! Hehe it's my favourite swedish band :)
TheBoyWithAName Nov-10-08 2.31pm
I noticed that you like The Ark, cool! =) So yu're from our favourite neighbours Denmark? ;D
moo_the_evil_boffin Oct-14-08 4.26pm
Hey, sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. Wow trip sounds cool, how was it? College is great thanks, the subjects are becoming more and more interesting as time goes on too! XXX
moo_the_evil_boffin Oct-2-08 5.42pm
Hey bara! Nice to see you! Everything's all good thanks, just started at college which is different but mostly fun :-) How's everything with you? Yep I've got a myspace, though I don't go on there very often (should make more effort lol). The link's on my profile so feel free to add me :-) XXX
BenFilbert May-8-08 1.00pm
Yes, the final was disappointing because Ronnie just ran away with it. Very good championship except the final. The better player won. He really is a very good player. Ali was poor.
BenFilbert Apr-29-08 7.49pm
Don't like Ronnie O'Sullivan. Good player but he's annoying. He'll be the favourite to win it though. Hope the Chinese guy beats him. He's funny. Yeh, Swail did sooo well to come back. Was so close to doing it. Ebdon Carter match is great. Ebdon just got a 143. Very good championship so far. :)
BenFilbert Apr-25-08 12.02pm
I'm watching Ebdon King too. Big Ebdon fan. Love the way he plays. Goes for some crazy shots. Love his passion and his determination. Think he's great. Come on Ebbers! :) Yeh, Dott said his performance cheered him up. He said he feels better and his health is most important. He's right. Hope he's ok. Nice guy. Hamilton had an awful first session. Haha. Higgins is looking good. Brilliant so far. :)
moo_the_evil_boffin Apr-23-08 8.05am
Hey Bara, Thanks for the add and the comment :-D
BenFilbert Apr-22-08 11.18pm
Hey. Snooker fan here. :) Love watching the big championships. Was watching the Murphy match earlier. Dave Harold was awful! Haha. Hopefully Dott will do well, he's been suffering with depression poor guy. Nice to see fellow snooker fan.
GMS1968 Mar-18-08 5.00pm
Hello:) You say Copenhagen is beautiful. Thats good to know.Our friends who live there say the same. But they say its quite exspensive. We would hope to visit one day.
Nikki Mar-13-08 10.02pm
You do look young! hehe. But that's a good thing! I'm 23...and you asked about my job? I'm a journalist. :)
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Mar-13-08 5.30pm
I really didn't post much in the old board. I only became friends with a girl from Chile back then :o).
Isn't there any way you can get back in touch with the old boardies you miss?
On the bright side, meeting new people is cool :oP
Nikki Mar-13-08 2.18am
Oh no! I just deleted your comment off of my profile by mistake! lol! Just wanted to tell you so you didn't think I did it on purpose. :P
Nikki Mar-13-08 2.16am
Yep. :) How about you? Are you still in school? You look young!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Mar-11-08 6.02pm
Haha, no. You just read my last login xD. I'm a member since 2004, but I didn't post much at the time. I came back to the board last july i think. That's why I have so many posts :oP
Nikki Mar-10-08 7.11pm
Aw, thank you! *grabs camera out of case* It's a 7.1 mega pixel Fujifilm FinePix S700 digital camera with a 10X optical zoom, lol. My work just gave it to me for going out and covering events because we don't have a staff photographer. Reporters have to be photographers now, I guess. But I'm gonna take it to the next Travis gig I go to...I'm excited.
GMS1968 Mar-7-08 10.58am
Hello new friend:) The pic was taken at trinity, bristol last month. Fran looked so funny in his chicken hat. I left my pen with fran and he came and found us to give it back. How cool is that!
GMS1968 Mar-6-08 9.18pm
Hello and thanks for the welcome. We have some friends who live just outside Copenhagen. Dont know why i mentioned that! You,re sentence about posts in a post was so funny.
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Mar-6-08 7.41pm
Hi! People are ignoring you? Haha. I don't think so :o)
I'm fine, not doing much. You?
Nacho Feb-8-08 11.14am
baraaaaaa :P
paul_c Jan-17-08 4.04pm
Not that i know of...
paul_c Jan-17-08 4.04pm
Turtleneck Jan-17-08 3.06pm
Thanks! I like your version, too!
paul_c Jan-17-08 2.06pm
Well i'm still in touch with audrey on myspace. I see Vince at gigs, and Sandy comes here from time to time. Don't really know much about the others
Gladly (the cross-eyed bear) Jan-17-08 1.17pm
What a great version of friends you made there. The jazz feel makes it stand out from the rest
paul_c Jan-17-08 12.25pm
Yeah, a lot of them didn't seem to take to the new board. I remember times on the old board where all that lot would be on here until 3 or 4 in the morning. That all changed with the new board unfortunately
Ruudio Jan-16-08 9.39pm
Hey I'm good thanks =D Hope you are too x
paul_c Jan-16-08 3.07pm
I was away for a while, yes. Came back and pretty much stayed back at the start of last year, with all the new album and gigs and all. Sometimes i don't get the time with uni, but i've not much on just now! Anyone else you recognise?
paul_c Jan-16-08 2.04pm
Haha, no problem. How long were you away for anyway?