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frandougeil May-23-09 12.56pm
Yay Akanksha!!I've found the hidden video in the Travis DVD u loaned me;D It's the dog clip rite???Finally i saw it on my sister's work laptop:) |
frandougeil Apr-23-09 6.40am
HAHAHa...and yeah i figured if we both get nervous then thgs would be much better;)lol.We'll just have to start talking bout all the thgs we like and have in common!Btw,do u have any movies that I can borrow..lol now i sound greedy?If u don't md;)Ur a fantastic person to know too(not because of ur dvds;)And YES I'm following u on twitter too!!TC=D |
frandougeil Apr-21-09 4.05pm
NO la...not creepy at all;) I'm excited too but pardon me if i get awkward and nervous coz whenever i meet new friends for the 1st tm i get too excited then end up becoming a walking bag of nerves..lol.BUT anyways I'm looking forward to it=)And u must text me which dvds u wanna borrow soon too alrite;D
Btw is ur movie collection bigger than mine?hehe=p |
frandougeil Apr-19-09 1.29pm
Heee!I don't mean it in a bad way u noe..stalking is good smtms but not when done excessively.haha.and we're both not tt def;)and nah I'm sure TWT don't md,so don't worry bout tt at all;D oh yeah i sent u a mail bout what for me were extremely HOPEFUL good news=D to the e-mail on ur FB:libero_cuore:)u didn't get it?i thk it was the website's fault thou..coz it was from channelnewsasia.com.tt's fine i'll just send u a link to it=) and hope thgs are fine with u!And we'll mt soon alrite moz probably after the 25th if its ok with u=)I'll text u soon too:DTC!! |
frandougeil Apr-18-09 5.07pm
OMG Akanksha u crazy awesome Travis obsessed stalker=p haha..
Those new pics of them u posted are super lovelyyyyyy la=D |
frandougeil Apr-12-09 9.21am
Akanksha..Did u ever know Travis had a biography written by Mike Black called Travis:Closer Every Year???
I'm soooo gonna hunt it down now=D |
frandougeil Apr-10-09 2.58pm
Noooo*o*What:)really u do?? Long Way Down's one of my faves!!me likey=)Must teach me someday!heh;)I didn't take it as u were boasting at all,i mean of coz u have to tell me if u know how to play that on the piano..It's a BIG deal la XD And if u master the whole song already,u should upload a vid of u playing here on TO=D Btw,I can't seem to find a way to get to the secret vids=( BUT on a positive note,i saw the SUPER HILARIOUS vid+commentari
es!!I LOVED IT la...it was super freaking hilariousXD |
frandougeil Apr-4-09 6.26pm
HAHA=D You're awesome too Akanksha!!And no worries la, when u can meet u juz msg me or mail me if I'm fit enough and not super broke..I won't decline;)That's when I'll pass u the Alexandra Palace Dvd so u watch the somewhere else live version as many times as u want!U have a great weekend and take care=DD |
frandougeil Apr-3-09 5.57pm
Akanksha:))))I got ur pm and I just replied too;)Yesss I LOVED it=DDD and yes yes yes the richard ashcroft thingy should have lasted longer.. hilarious!I'll definitely lend u the Alexandra Palace dvd when we meet;D It's got the live performance of Somewhere Else which I can never get enough of*o*I'm sure u'll enjoy it!!!Thanx for ur greetings!I'm quite anticipating their gig;DAnd i'll add u up on last.fm soon=D*hugs*Take care too!!!
frandougeil Apr-3-09 11.39am
Weeee Akanksha;)I just saw the DVD!!It was great to see those great old and not so old vids and performances.. Reminds me why I love and adore them in the first place=D I LOVE LOVE it!!Most prob gonna watch it like 10 more times..hehe=p I esp love the part when Fran made the docu-like Beatles "spoof" in that Abbey Road studio=D and when Dougie did that hilarious Richard Ashcroft imitation;D lol.he's so cool, they're all cool!dougie and andy are always fooling around
haha..it was great to see my fave vids again since i haven't seen them in a while already.Thanx sooo much Akanksha!Anyways,do u have live at the Alexandra Palace Dvd?If not I can lend it to u too=DAnd when u mention those secret vids??Which ones ah.. |