

Typing to Reach You's Profile Details:

About Me

Travis, Stereophonics, Keane, Coldplay, Chili Peppers, Thirteen Senses, KT Tunstall, U2, REM, Radiohead, The Beatles, Dido, Kaiser Chiefs, get the idea.

Star Wars, Lord of The Rings, and other geeky stuff.
Typing to Reach You has attended 3 shows
Dalby Forest, North York Moors, UK
Apollo, Manchester, UK
Empress Ballroom, Blackpool, UK

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Typing to Reach You
Member since: April-20-2007
Last Login: August-22-2016
Gender: Male
Country: UK
Posts: 1667
Birthday: Sep-10-1987
Occupation: Student
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Friends: 81 (show all)

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Somewhere Else Sep-29-10 5.49pm
Yes nice picture , ( maybe a bit soon to take off paper bag off though ! ( Only joking)
minnmess Sep-28-10 3.18pm
haha, nice picture.
melissam3173 Jul-22-10 10.46pm
I was on travisonline back in 03 but forgot password/username etc lol. I am trying to break through on here and make friends and such. Hopefully I can cos people on here are the only ones I have been able to find that share my love of Travis! Hope your having a good day!
melissam3173 Jul-22-10 10.46pm
I was on travisonline back in 03 but forgot password/username etc lol. I am trying to break through on here and make friends and such. Hopefully I can cos people on here are the only ones I have been able to find that share my love of Travis! Hope your having a good day!
melissam3173 Jul-21-10 5.26pm
Just wanted to drop you a line and say I didn't mean anything bad towards you lol. I was just making a statement, you seem too cool for me to dislike (and hopefully you don't dislike me!) I am trying to get to know everyone better and don't get to post often as I like to.
minnmess Aug-20-09 2.05pm
If he beheads me, Im sure he will atleast emerse my head in gold and make some sorta of gleeming golden statue of me! Yes, I understand that student thing! So, with this new course, you could theoretically become Fran's best friend, and then Yap would be his best friend and then I would be his best friend! I fully support it! Congrats of graduating by the way. Yap sends TWO cans of beans
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Aug-19-09 3.31am
Hey Luke, I managed to download all the songs except for The Fix... it says it's broken? Nevermind, I found it somewhere else! Thank youuuu!!! Haven't listened to the album yet.
minnmess Aug-18-09 12.47am
Lukey McLukerson, I am offended! I would NEVER forget about my beloved Yap! He is the reason I breathe. He is the reason I am alive today. Hey, psst, you arent a student anymore, change your occupation!
Mmusse Aug-17-09 11.52am
Thanks for adding me :D
TheBoyWithAName Mar-3-09 10.37pm
Well it's nice to know how Lukey looks like too and I hope you'll get the chance to meet Fran again soon :) Everything okay btw? When are you planning to have the next showdown?
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