Turtleneck's Profile Details:
About Me
I'm going through a metamorphosis. It may take a while.
Me and Nikki, November 15, 2008
The Sound of Music, Gone With the Wind, Magicians, Stand By Me, The Breakfast Club, The Time of Their Lives (Abbott & Costello), 13 Ghosts (1960 version ONLY!), Swing Kids
Seventeenth Summer, Jane Eyre, A Christmas Carol, HP's, The Big Orange Splot, huhh, I don't have time to read much anymore.
Turtleneck has attended 5 shows Date Venue
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Member since: September-18-2007
Last Login: July-16-2016 Gender: Female
Country: US Posts: 7404
Birthday: Mar-15-1900 Occupation: SAHM, Deep Thinker, Flat Travis Project Co-ordinator, and of course, She-Devil Profile Views: 35877 |
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hennypenny Feb-4-10 8.26am
This is the first time I met him after the Seattle show! |
bogusblue Dec-24-09 11.31pm
Merry Christmas Kayte! :o) |
hennypenny Dec-9-09 5.56am
haha! Thanks! |
ricv64 Nov-14-09 1.47pm
isn't that ohio ? |
minnmess Aug-17-09 11.05pm
and the same to you, ma lady |
Ana_Smith Jul-1-09 3.17pm
Hey! Thanks for adding my name to the list of the project, I'm really looking forward to it :) |
Ana_Smith Jun-9-09 8.50pm
Hi Kayte! How are you? I think you are the mind behind the project... I'm writing because I found out that Flat Travis might be coming near my town one day. I would love to give the 2D guys a tour and share it with all the boardies. I mean, if they're going to Argentina, how about taking a detour to Uruguay? :D It'd be a shame to miss them! Let me know what you think... Cheers! |
lindsey22295 May-30-09 6.37am
Thank you for your kind comments in the Bruin thread. I plan to pass on everyones condolences to Todd. |
cornax May-1-09 6.06pm
And I should try to find a really awesome housewife to idolize... |
minnesotamary Apr-28-09 5.57pm
i know, he's growing like a weed...can't believe he'll be turning 1 in one month! |
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