

Turtleneck's Profile Details:

About Me
I'm going through a metamorphosis. It may take a while.

Me and Nikki, November 15, 2008
Simon and Garfunkel, Travis, Traveling Wilburys, Beatles, The Turtles, Great Big Sea, Bryan Adams, Dion and the Belmonts, 1950's Doo-Wop, 1960's Folk
The Sound of Music, Gone With the Wind, Magicians, Stand By Me, The Breakfast Club, The Time of Their Lives (Abbott & Costello), 13 Ghosts (1960 version ONLY!), Swing Kids
Seventeenth Summer, Jane Eyre, A Christmas Carol, HP's, The Big Orange Splot, huhh, I don't have time to read much anymore.
Tour Archive Photos: 5 Show All
Turtleneck has attended 5 shows
Royal Oak Music Theatre, Detroit, MI, US
House Of Blues, Boston MA, US
Magic Bag Theater, Ferndale, MI, US
House Of Blues, Cleveland OH, US
Vic Theatre, Chicago, IL, US

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Member since: September-18-2007
Last Login: July-16-2016
Gender: Female
Country: US
Posts: 7404
Birthday: Mar-15-1900
Occupation: SAHM, Deep Thinker, Flat Travis Project Co-ordinator, and of course, She-Devil
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Friends: 86 (show all)

458 Comments have been added. Post a Comment?

hennypenny Feb-4-10 8.26am
This is the first time I met him after the Seattle show!
bogusblue Dec-24-09 11.31pm
Merry Christmas Kayte! :o)
hennypenny Dec-9-09 5.56am
haha! Thanks!
ricv64 Nov-14-09 1.47pm
isn't that ohio ?
minnmess Aug-17-09 11.05pm
and the same to you, ma lady
Ana_Smith Jul-1-09 3.17pm
Hey! Thanks for adding my name to the list of the project, I'm really looking forward to it :)
Ana_Smith Jun-9-09 8.50pm
Hi Kayte! How are you? I think you are the mind behind the project... I'm writing because I found out that Flat Travis might be coming near my town one day. I would love to give the 2D guys a tour and share it with all the boardies. I mean, if they're going to Argentina, how about taking a detour to Uruguay? :D It'd be a shame to miss them! Let me know what you think... Cheers!
lindsey22295 May-30-09 6.37am
Thank you for your kind comments in the Bruin thread. I plan to pass on everyones condolences to Todd.
cornax May-1-09 6.06pm
And I should try to find a really awesome housewife to idolize...
minnesotamary Apr-28-09 5.57pm
i know, he's growing like a weed...can't believe he'll be turning 1 in one month!
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