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Hiromi-Y Apr-29-09 1.50am
Hi, thanks for the request! I went for a show once same as you. I remember this show was very splendid:) H x |
velouria Apr-25-09 5.31pm
I'm actually a tad surprised they didn't play "Song to Self" especially because it's a single. But ah well, maybe next time. And hopefully they do come back soon, how long does it usually take for them to come back to the states? I suppose I just got lucky and got into them at the right time. |
velouria Apr-24-09 2.10am
I loved the Wiltern show, but was afraid that they were going to play the same setlist as the night before. However, "Blue Flashing Light" was an awesome addition. Kinda glad they didn't do the cover again, even though it was entertaining to watch the Fran and Andy interaction.
And I didn't see you in the back! It was so fun. I almost gave up until Andy came out and gave me hope. They are such great guys, I was just sad I didn't have anything witty to say! |
velouria Apr-18-09 3.55am
Yeah! That was me! Haha. Cool. How ironic that you happened to be the one that answered most of my questions in my Anaheim thread. |
velouria Apr-17-09 2.14am
Hey, are you the one I talked to in the line at the Anaheim show? I was with a friend and was wearing a blue headband? And we didn't know which line to go in...Just ponderin'... |