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Rammsfer Dec-29-08 8.30pm
hey :] How are you?
minnmess Dec-24-08 10.36pm
Merry Christmas Canuck!
Nell Dec-14-08 12.47pm
I think I've once seen an interview with him an J.Depp concerning his newest production. The girl who did the interview was so ....well...she kept confusing some words - mixing up everything..and Depp and Burton kept on laughing about her...fabulous!!!
Nell Dec-11-08 5.14pm
Ps: Tim Burton...didn't he do the movie: Edward Cissor hands...and also the latest one with J.Depp? He's a director, istn't he?
Nell Dec-11-08 5.11pm
sorry I totally forgot to answer :) No I didn't know his doughters name was Nell. My real name's Nora but since that one was taken I used the nickname my friends used to call me...(years ago). The got it from the shortform of Eleonore and also the film "Nell"...hehe
minnmess Dec-7-08 1.53am
Good job on your video!
minnmess Nov-11-08 9.04pm
fellow canadian, please tell people in the "Scottish Boardies-is this real?' thread, how good poutine is!
Rammsfer Nov-8-08 6.05pm
:O! omg, yes! i love a series of unfortunate events! it's the best book serie ever! haha lol yeah, maybe i am :)! i'm glad you like that serie too :P