

OHMEATPIES's Profile Details:

About Me
Oh, you must think I'm some freak of nature. Maybe I am.
Travis, duh. Oh, and like, Peter Gabriel, Lykke Li, Franz Ferdinand, Red Hot Chili Peppers and anything made by Danny Elfman. And thousands of others I'm way too lazy to name.
Tim Burton's, Hayao Miyazaki's and Satoshi Kon's.
A Serie of Unfortunate Events. The Melancholy Death of the Oyster Boy.
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Member since: July-19-2008
Last Login: March-14-2009
Gender: Female
Country: CA
Posts: 125
Birthday: Sep-1-1994
Occupation: Highschool Student
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Friends: 5 (show all)

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Rammsfer Dec-29-08 8.30pm
hey :] How are you?
minnmess Dec-24-08 10.36pm
Merry Christmas Canuck!
Nell Dec-14-08 12.47pm
I think I've once seen an interview with him an J.Depp concerning his newest production. The girl who did the interview was so ....well...she kept confusing some words - mixing up everything..and Depp and Burton kept on laughing about her...fabulous!!!
Nell Dec-11-08 5.14pm
Ps: Tim Burton...didn't he do the movie: Edward Cissor hands...and also the latest one with J.Depp? He's a director, istn't he?
Nell Dec-11-08 5.11pm
sorry I totally forgot to answer :) No I didn't know his doughters name was Nell. My real name's Nora but since that one was taken I used the nickname my friends used to call me...(years ago). The got it from the shortform of Eleonore and also the film "Nell"...hehe
minnmess Dec-7-08 1.53am
Good job on your video!
minnmess Nov-11-08 9.04pm
fellow canadian, please tell people in the "Scottish Boardies-is this real?' thread, how good poutine is!
Rammsfer Nov-8-08 6.05pm
:O! omg, yes! i love a series of unfortunate events! it's the best book serie ever! haha lol yeah, maybe i am :)! i'm glad you like that serie too :P
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