Lucile's Profile Details:
About Me
Travis, Stereophonics
Lucile has attended 17 shows Date Venue
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deebee May-28-09 4.54pm
Hey Lucile.
Are you still around from time to time? Long time no "see", LOL. Hope you're OK. |
deebee May-16-09 1.00pm
Hi Lucile!
I'm off to Tunisia for a week so won't be around on the board. Hope you're well and not working too hard! |
deebee Apr-4-09 8.02am
I really want to go but I'm working on the Thursday (11th)and Friday (12th), grrrr! I wonder if I can be "ill" those days???? Will you be going by train? I take it you're not working then! |
deebee Apr-3-09 3.27pm
Hi Lucile
I'll let you know if I can make it to Lyon - need to check out babysitters! I've also seen Travis are down for the Caribana festival (11th June) Do you know anything about this? |
damon Mar-31-09 5.54pm
hi lucile ! it's been a while...
is this you in the pic?? i'm sure that's you!
cheers |
deebee Mar-29-09 4.01pm
Hey Lucile,
Just popping in to say Hello.
I might be coming over to Lyon in the Easter hols to do some shopping. Maybe you'll have time to meet me for a coffee? |
TheBoyWithAName Feb-26-09 5.35pm
Oh I thought they were some really interesting covers, lol! Thanks a lot for uploading, I'll download it straight away! :D Don't worry about those files you couldn't find, I'm happy anyway! Have a nice evening and thanks again! |
TheBoyWithAName Feb-24-09 1.46pm
Oh it's not a life or death situation, don't worry :) I'll be pleased whenever I get them! It's so sweet of you that you're willing to share your awesome archive! :D |
TheBoyWithAName Feb-22-09 8.10pm
Hello! Hope everything's okay! =) Well I've had a look at your setlist and there are a few songs I'd be very pleased if you could upload(if it's not too much trouble)
The songs I'm mostly interested in are:
* Indefinetely(the best recording you've got of it)
* Baby One More Time(Best recording you've got from 2007)
* Get him out(30.06.2007 Sherwood pines forest park)
* Another Sleep Song(22.10.2003 Beacon theatre)
* Some Sad Song (15.11.2003 Dusseldorf)
* Know Nothing (22.03.2004 Cardiff)
* Walking In The Sun (03.12.2004 Frankfurt, You FM studio concert and the one from Newcastle, same year)
The Weight (08.10.2004 Cambridge)
* Staying Alive (07.2006 London, Live 8)
* Just The Faces Change (09.09.2000 Boston or the best recording you've got)
* Do You Promise? (01.12.2001 Paris)
* Witchita Lineman (07.02.2002 Paris)
* Coming Around(26.06.1999 Glastonbury)
* Be My Baby (09.10.1999 Newcastle)
Oh that's a lot of songs and I'm still interested in more, you've got a great archive! But feel free to upload as many as you want =)
Thanks in advance!
Selfish_Noow Feb-22-09 2.51pm
Ouais je passe un bon week-end mais bon demain c'est la reprise et j'ai pas vraiment envie =S Mais bon je fais avec =D |
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