

J_Smith's Profile Details:

About Me
My name is Paulina. I'm a Polish girl living in Sweden. I moved to Malmö because of love... for Swedish music :) I work at McDonald's tho I have a master degree in Polish literature & film... but let me just learn a bit more Swedish and I'll rule the world!
Laakso, Markus Krunegard, The Ark, Travis, dEUS, Blur, Mercury Rev, The Mo, Melody Club...
Velvet Goldmine
Harry Potter, Gormenghast, Lord of The Rings + some Polish books you've never heard of
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J_Smith has attended 1 shows
Vega, Copenhagen, DK

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Member since: December-25-2008
Last Login: March-15-2011
Gender: Female
Country: SE
Posts: 31
Birthday: Oct-15-1981
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Friends: 5 (show all)

15 Comments have been added. Post a Comment?

Edel Mar-11-11 4.21pm
You are so NOT a miserable polish chick. Great to meet you:0)
TheBoyWithAName Feb-10-09 3.39pm
Jag ska kolla upp det, men det finns alltid en risk att bli lurad när man köper biljetter på nätauktioner :S
TheBoyWithAName Feb-10-09 12.40pm
Tyvärr inte, jag var ute för sent så jag har inte lyckats få tag på några biljetter :(
bogusblue Jan-16-09 1.13am
Oh Paulina, don't worry about it! I felt a bit bad about not being in the vid, but I was happy because you were happy about Travis going to Poland :o). And yay, I'm in the new vid! ;o)
bogusblue Jan-8-09 6.39am
That's great! I'm going to see them here in Mexico City on March. Hope I'll be able to meet them once again ;o).
bogusblue Jan-6-09 7.57pm
Hey there! So happy to know Travis is going to Poland :o). You're going for sure, right? ;o)
megg_inc Jan-6-09 6.31pm
Ups, nie zauważyłam! ;)
megg_inc Jan-6-09 5.28pm
Na w spisie koncertów Travis jest Kraków! :D
megg_inc Jan-5-09 9.00pm
Pewnie, że tak! :)
megg_inc Jan-4-09 8.25pm
Widzialam! Nieee, tutaj jest sympatycznie, raczej nikt nikogo nie pozera... ;)
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