

Intergalactic91's Profile Details:

About Me
Niall, 20, Studying English/Film in Edinburgh.
I listen alot.
I watch alot. Bad eyes.
I read alot. Bad eyes.
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Member since: December-06-2008
Last Login: October-28-2012
Gender: Male
Country: UK
Posts: 76
Birthday: Nov-17-1991
Occupation: Student
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fenchurch Apr-15-09 2.59am
Hullo :) just curious cos you mention him in you books section, what Anthony Burgess books have you read? I love him but I have to go to great trouble to find anything other than A Clockwork Orange.
Rammsfer Jan-15-09 4.37pm
Hey dude :D How ya doing?
rebekah Jan-12-09 9.47pm
Aha yes :) it is hmm..a pink floyd song redifined ;) xx
rebekah Jan-12-09 9.25pm
I know I still can't believe it haha! See I dunnoo about maths..I kinda wanna..but I feel I'm pretty shite at it lol. And yeah I know what you mean about subjects..the thing is I think I'll get scared that I made like all the wrong subject choices cos I do tend to get bored :p Argh..hard hard decisions! Aha i put goos! I meant good* :) xx
rebekah Jan-12-09 8.57pm
Haha naa you're not lame :P I think it's pretty cool. Haha slightly strange but ahh well :p I keep wondering if I know any of your friends! I think I will do psychology..See I also kinda wanna do maths..even though I really dislike..but it looks goos doesn't it? xx
rebekah Jan-12-09 6.48pm
Aweesomme! Yes. I have unfortunately heard of critical thinking..two classes in my year are doing it cos we did fast track r.e. It's okay..but I think it can be quite hard..maybe its cos i'm doing it early or whatnot but I'm not to sure about it..So what's psychology like? I'm quite interested in doing it..well that or english lit..see that's weird cos at tda they only let you do lit and not lang or lit and lang lol :p quite annoying haha. Thank youu :) I very much like your pictures too :) xx
rebekah Jan-11-09 8.32pm
Haha :) Well we'll just have to wait and see. Urrmm I would quite like to do art, religious studies, philosophy and maybe psychology..or mayybe english lit..hmm..What are you studying? x
rebekah Jan-11-09 8.09pm
I myspaced you as we live in the same city and all :p Urmm well..I may just have to stay though..or go Kings..hmm..What about Voyager then? Really sucks? x
rebekah Jan-11-09 8.01pm
Ahahah well I'm in year 11 and choosing 6th form. I am NOT staying at tda lol..really don't like it x
rebekah Jan-11-09 7.16pm
Haha. So weird :p but yeah :) x
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