Edel's Profile Details:
Travis, Oasis, Interpol, B.R.M.C, Verve, Magtens Korridorer, Kashmir, Kent etc etc
Edel has attended 5 shows Date Venue
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Member since: April-20-2007
Last Login: July-09-2016 Gender: Female
Country: DK Posts: 1184
Profile Views: 12230 |
12 Comments have been added.
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bara Nov-29-11 1.11pm
hej edel, still around, eh? so hows life? |
J_Smith Mar-9-11 12.18am
(sorry for the double post and of course I meant "upload", you may delete one of those comments!) |
J_Smith Mar-9-11 12.13am
I'm writing to reach you, Edel! This is Paulina, miserable Polish girl you met after Fran's concert. Hope you got home safely and didn't lose your bus pass anymore. :) I lots my camera cable (somewhere in my flat!) and can't uplaos my videos dammit! |
J_Smith Mar-9-11 12.11am
I'm writing to reach you, Edel! This is Paulina, miserable Polish girl you met after Fran's concert. Hope you got home safely and didn't lose your bus pass anymore. :) I lots my camera cable (somewhere in my flat!) and can't uplaos my videos dammit! |
minnmess Jan-20-11 10.02pm
thanks. In need of a trim these days! |
Harmony1206 Jul-27-10 9.17pm
Lovely lovely Edel! <3 |
peno Dec-25-08 6.35pm
Glædelig jul og godt nytår kære Edel..:-) |
peno Nov-13-08 9.41am
Hej Edel.
Oasis spiller i Hamburg 16.01.2009 og her er stadig billetter..jeg har købt min.
Vh Peter |
weirdmom Jul-10-08 8.22pm
Thanks for the belated anniversary wish! Much appreciated.
Trixi May-28-08 7.17pm
Thank youuuuuu! *hugs* :)
man, why is that just so short term?! *lol* |
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