

Chemodannica's Profile Details:

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Travis, H.I.M, Coldplay, Cardigans, Travis, Kula Shaker, Verve...
The enternal sunshine of th spotless mind, The fountain, Amelie, Me without you...
The White Oleander by Fitch, books by Akunin, Naive.Super by Lu.....
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Chemodannica has attended 1 shows
B-1, Moscow, RU

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Member since: July-20-2008
Last Login: February-16-2010
Gender: Female
Country: RU
Birthday: Apr-22-1987
Occupation: student, dreamer
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48 Comments have been added. Post a Comment?

Nikki Dec-24-08 5.50pm
Hi! Thank you! :) Which video? "Just The Faces Change" or our take on a "Song To Self" video?
RaZzZ Nov-23-08 9.02am
I have my Ode to j Smith signed! n_n
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Nov-17-08 7.42am
yes it is hard to explain, they are just amazing live! i would like to see a completely acoustic show someday, that would be the best! i love hearing songs stripped down to just the basic instruments, anyway, how are you?:-)
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Nov-9-08 11.44pm
yes, i figured it was about time:-p:-) we are actually experiencing something similar to winter here finally! it's windy and cool outside, not as much sun lately, i luv it. i have tickets to see travis in a couple days, so i'm excited about that:-) have you been to any concerts lately?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Nov-9-08 11.43pm
yes, i figured it was about time:-p:-) we are actually experiencing something similar to winter here finally! it's windy and cool outside, not as much sun lately, i luv it. i have tickets to see travis in a couple days, so i'm excited about that:-) have you been to any concerts lately?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Nov-8-08 2.30am
hey you, how have you been?
Hullabaloo Oct-21-08 6.53pm
Liza,kto eto na fotke? Andy chto li? O_o vot on daet! chelovek-enerdzhaizer pryam kakoy-to!)))
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-15-08 8.54pm
oh wow,german and english,cool. your english,from what i can tell so far, is coming along great! who are the ladybirds? is that the school mascot?:-) i'm studying interpersonal communications with a minor in english.:-) i don't have facebook or myspace because my work prohibits it,sadly.:-(
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-15-08 6.41pm
LOL,radiation huh,that's funny,but also a good explanation,if i didn't know any better, i would actually believe you:-p i study at california state university in los angeles,what about you?
SAM(LOS ANGELES) Oct-15-08 4.46pm
Oh good, sounds like fun!:-) I am not so lucky yet today,I'm at work:-( I have to be here for a few more hours. Tonight I have school,so long day for me but it's ok.:-) That is a very large lady bug,where di you find it,how did you catch it???
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