

BoyRacer's Profile Details:

About Me
I put that I'm from Samoa because I always wanted to be mistaken for a Polynesian.
Tour Archive Photos: 0 Show All
BoyRacer has attended 5 shows
Largo at the Coronet, Los Angeles, CA, US
Vic Theatre, Chicago, IL, US
The Depot, Salt Lake City UT, US
The Joint, Las Vegas, NV, US
The Filmore, San Francisco, CA, US

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Member since: May-28-2007
Last Login: October-12-2010
Gender: Not Specified
Country: AS
Posts: 18
Occupation: Welcome to the
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Friends: 4

7 Comments have been added. Post a Comment?

mili Sep-12-09 6.29pm
I just got curious because of FT. Cheers from Finland!
Meridith Sep-12-09 2.53am
You are the furthest thing away from being Samoan dude.
BoyRacer May-25-09 5.44am
I'm kind of freaked out that 844 have looked at my profile and, with very few exceptions, have come and gone with nary a word. Who are these people? What was their expectation in coming here? Why were they compelled to look? And did the lack of information disappoint them?
hennypenny May-24-09 2.23am
Thanks for accepting Jared:)
weirdmom May-16-09 2.15pm
I, too, have read this. I am posting a response.
Meridith May-3-09 4.59pm
Yes, I just read this.
BoyRacer Apr-30-09 4.38am
Did you read this? If so, please post a response.
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