

Andrew's Profile Details:

Tour Archive Photos: 9 Show All
Andrew has attended 7 shows
Barrowlands, Glasgow, UK
ABC, Glasgow, UK
SECC, Glasgow, UK
Barrowlands, Glasgow, UK
SECC, Glasgow, UK
SECC, Glasgow, UK

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Member since: April-20-2007
Last Login: October-04-2012
Gender: Male
Country: UK
Posts: 878
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Friends: 80 (show all)

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Peewee Sep-5-08 4.00pm
Hey you back to Uni yet? Ohhhhh scary final year! Hard work but worth it, hope you keeping well dudey. :)
SamuraiSandy Jul-24-08 2.25pm
Yeah, I didn't know what was going on, except that I saw you had changed your picture. And then I saw your posts! hasn't been the same without you!
SamuraiSandy Jul-23-08 4.45am
Goodness! didn't see you were back to posting until now! Good to see the new pic!
champagnesupernova Jul-22-08 3.15pm
They also look at you to pick material to be assessed in bitchy use against you when needed. ;-)
Helen *the original* Jul-22-08 11.37am
Ah yes the dreaded final year...don't worry the real world is usually scarier! I miss the stooodent days, the worst part is not seeing my uni friends all the time, its all down to reunions at the pub every month or so
isma Jul-22-08 9.36am
Fancy Tshirt Andrew ! I love it Where did you buy it ? P.S Hi ! P.P.S I don't like you
champagnesupernova Jul-21-08 9.01pm
Btw, how unpopular you are given the profile views count. *evil laughs devil annoyingly*
Peewee Jul-21-08 8.45pm
Hey dudey! Great to see ya about, your looking great! Nice to see ya settling in with newbies...pmsl ;)
Helen *the original* Jul-21-08 3.59pm
Well hello there. Library-life is...interesting! Can be boring at times but i find ways to entertain myself. How's the student life?
champagnesupernova Jul-20-08 8.06am
I know. Worst thing is people tend to assault you verbally if you ever happen to utter the fact that it really bleeding sucks down these parts most of the time. Phew, there I said it. :-P
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