

Ana_Smith's Profile Details:

D'oh Travis! Oasis, U2, The Killers, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, The Swell Season, Coldplay, Mika, Catupecu Machu, Soda Stereo, Kings of Leon, Green Day, Franz Ferdinand, Blur, etc... Also, a bit of Uruguayan music can't hurt anyone :)
Almost Famous, Lord of the rings, Goodfellas, Les Petits Mouchoirs, etc...
100 years of solitude, The house of the spirits, Mrs Dalloway, Farenheit 451, One Day, Game of Thrones, The Fault in Our Stars, etc...
Tour Archive Photos: 3 Show All
Ana_Smith has attended 1 shows
Planeta Terra Festival 2013, Buenos Aires , AR

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Member since: April-01-2009
Last Login: January-20-2014
Gender: Female
Country: UY
Posts: 647
Birthday: Sep-13-1986
Occupation: Translator/International Relations Student
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Friends: 21 (show all)

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leticia Nov-9-10 5.28pm
leticia Nov-3-10 9.29pm
AAAAAAAAAAH ESTA PÁG está muerta...en serio... no es lo mismo que antes!
hennypenny Jan-13-10 10.16pm
Thanks Ana! He is beautiful:P
melissam3173 Dec-30-09 6.15pm
Ok on the phone with the post office now, trying to figure out the problem. The package was a bigger one but I do not understand the delay. The International customs people are not very nice. I am waiting for someone to assist me... Sorry for the delay... Hope you do enjoy when you get it...
melissam3173 Dec-28-09 4.34pm
Anything yet??? If not I am scared it got stopped by customs and searched. It had a lotta stuff in it... Hope it ALL got to you...
bogusblue Dec-24-09 11.50pm
¡Feliz navidad,Ana! :o)
melissam3173 Dec-24-09 5.46pm
Anything?!!! Haven't heard from you...
melissam3173 Dec-23-09 8.22pm
Ok anything yet?!!! It should be there by now... Plz tell me, I am getting worried...
melissam3173 Dec-21-09 5.39am
I am soooo sorry. It is a bigger box so that could be why. And when you get it don't open anything til Xmas day!!! I hope it gets to you. It makes me worry...
melissam3173 Dec-16-09 5.13pm
Ok sounds great! And I won't read it lol. You get your package? I am starting to worry. I hope you get it by Monday at least...
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