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Peewee Jan-16-09 10.37pm
Elaine!!!! You dirty lurker! hee hee how's it going?
Peewee Oct-20-08 5.58pm
So true! alerts would make it so much easier...especially since getting anywhere on this site is slow as....!!! grr. I'm great, still in work mind! haha New Rhodes? Haven't heard of them...any good? :)
Peewee Oct-5-08 9.04pm
Just thought I'd pop in and say hello stranger :) How are ya?
frandougeil Sep-10-08 5.45pm
heLLo=))i <3 the Travis pic tt u posted on my thread!n funny avatar!
NCD Dec-18-07 9.58am
Have you been drinkin on that pic little E? XX
Baby Fran Jun-16-07 9.20pm
oh eh big brown mark you could have waited!!!!!
Baby Fran Jun-16-07 6.50pm
Hey hope you had a good trip. How dirty did you get the jeans in the end?
sara spain Jun-16-07 5.45pm
Heyy! How was the way back to the Hostel??? The taxi driver was a little bit mad!! ;)