
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Mon 25 Aug, 2008 6:07 PM Quote
DAK!! I'm sooo sorry, I suck...I was supposed to post this a while back! Here are my thoughts on your mix, that I really like, by the way. thank you...

1. Game of Pricks – Guided by Voices – This song is really catchy. Great first song!

2. Balloon – The Simpletons – I like his voice. The first time I heard it, I was driving, so I only paid attention to the beginning, and then I caught it again at the break and thought it was a different song, until he sang, “I’m a balloon…” and I thought, “nice!”

3. All this Time – Heartless Bastards – I like her voice…it’s really different from most female singers. I also like the drums in this song.

4. Going to Town – Afghan Whigs– Now this song is really catchy too…it just grabbed me from the start. I had heard of them before, but never heard any of their songs. I am impressed!

5. Laughter Tax – Shrug– They remind me of another band, but I can’t put my finger on it. I like this song, ‘cause it somehow sounds familiar, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard it.

6. Secret Meeting – The National – I’ve heard a few songs that I like, but I haven’t heard this one. I like the music a lot, but his voice, I have to get used to.

7. Let Me Go On – Seabird – I like this song…I first heard it on one of those Paste Magazine cd samplers. I like how it picks up in the middle.

8. Airborne – Wussy – This song made me laugh just a little because they sound a bit twangy…and for some reason, I didn’t expect that. And, I like the little parts where he sings high…

9. Shallow Grave – Messerly and Ewing – The beginning sounds awesome, and the rest of the song is just so catchy/bouncy! I like this one a lot.

10. Show Me – Over the Rhine – I like Over the Rhine. I don’t know why I don’t have more of their stuff, ‘cause I really like her voice. She has a way of making everything sound so sad…but I like it.

11. See You on the Radio – Go Robot, Go! – I couldn’t get into this one right off the bat, but I think it might be because I couldn’t really hear what he was singing. I’ll try this one with headphones on.

12. Falling Tide – Bad Veins – I have never heard of them either, but they remind me of someone too…can’t think of who though. I like the guitars in this song.

13. Nervous Wreck – Promenade – I have never heard of them either, but I like ‘em! They have unique voices!

14. Last Night it Snowed – Ass Ponys – This is a nice little short song! I have heard of Ass Ponys, but I think this is the first song I’ve heard of theirs. They kind of remind me of Dolorean, but I’m not sure why.

Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Mon 25 Aug, 2008 6:44 PM Quote
Moray wrote:

Gavin DeGraw - yes, very nice melody. Win goosey and megg, lol. It reminded me a little of Michael Buble!

Excuse me, but how on Earth I ended up in the same sentence as Gavin DeGraw? Can anyone explain? Please?

Btw Kristy, I watch OTH too, so don't worry! I even own first 2 seasons on dvd.
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Mon 25 Aug, 2008 7:04 PM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
Moray wrote:

Gavin DeGraw - yes, very nice melody. Win goosey and megg, lol. It reminded me a little of Michael Buble!

Excuse me, but how on Earth I ended up in the same sentence as Gavin DeGraw? Can anyone explain? Please?

Btw Kristy, I watch OTH too, so don't worry! I even own first 2 seasons on dvd.

When I described the song to Moray in my letter I **JOKINGLY** said it would be a good song for him to use to win over you or Goosey.

More than Anyone

(tangent: the server is being horribly slow again!! grrr..)
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 3778
megg_inc Posted Mon 25 Aug, 2008 7:41 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:

When I described the song to Moray in my letter I **JOKINGLY** said it would be a good song for him to use to win over you or Goosey.

More than Anyone

(tangent: the server is being horribly slow again!! grrr..)

You should have told him to use Tyler Hilton's song (if we want to stay in the OTH mood), lol! Am I right, Kristy? ;)

Yep, gremlins & slow board are definitely back! :/
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 1807
DAKOTA Posted Mon 25 Aug, 2008 9:12 PM Quote
12. Falling Tide – Bad Veins – I have never heard of them either, but they remind me of someone too…can’t think of who though. I like the guitars in this song.

Quickly because I need to get back to work, break is almost over:

Undoubtedly, it's probably the Strokes, because of the vocals. He sings through a megaphone or a Telephone usually. :)

And if you like the Afghan Whigs, might I recommend their entire back catalog? Also the Twilight Singers. (I'm highly biased though, because I love them to death. ;))

The Ass Ponys are much more enjoyable than their name implies. ;)

Someone else told me that Laughter Tax reminds them of some other band, but he had no idea who it was and neither do I! :D
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Mon 25 Aug, 2008 9:27 PM Quote
DAKOTA wrote:

Quickly because I need to get back to work, break is almost over:

Undoubtedly, it's probably the Strokes, because of the vocals. He sings through a megaphone or a Telephone usually. :)

And if you like the Afghan Whigs, might I recommend their entire back catalog? Also the Twilight Singers. (I'm highly biased though, because I love them to death. ;))

The Ass Ponys are much more enjoyable than their name implies. ;)

Someone else told me that Laughter Tax reminds them of some other band, but he had no idea who it was and neither do I! :D

Ah, yes...The Strokes, that's right.

Woohoo! New music to check out and listen to...Thanks!
oh, and I agree...Ass Ponys are a lot better than their name implies :D
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Tue 09 Sep, 2008 2:23 AM Quote
I got Moray's CD today!! I just PMed today saying I was getting worried. I'm in the middle of my first listen. So far it's awesome. Also his letter is lovely. I think he and I were competing to see who could ramble the most. Not sure who won....
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Tue 09 Sep, 2008 11:34 AM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
I got Moray's CD today!! I just PMed today saying I was getting worried. I'm in the middle of my first listen. So far it's awesome. Also his letter is lovely. I think he and I were competing to see who could ramble the most. Not sure who won....

Looking forward to the indepth review of what you thought!!

Apologies, I ran out of time to include anything nearly as fun as the things you'd included with yours. Next time though! I took a lot of time over the letter though!!
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Tue 09 Sep, 2008 2:26 PM Quote
I still don't have my CD. :(
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Tue 09 Sep, 2008 3:12 PM Quote
megg_inc wrote:
weirdmom wrote:

When I described the song to Moray in my letter I **JOKINGLY** said it would be a good song for him to use to win over you or Goosey.

More than Anyone

(tangent: the server is being horribly slow again!! grrr..)

You should have told him to use Tyler Hilton's song (if we want to stay in the OTH mood), lol! Am I right, Kristy? ;)

Yep, gremlins & slow board are definitely back! :/

Oh man, I missed Tyler Hilton talk. Man i love that guy. I saw him in concert 2 summers ago and hugged him after and giggled like a 12 year old. AND he could properly spell my name (not some lame Christy, or Kristi or something) and I was getting an autograph for my roommate for her bday and he knew how to spell her name too..Rachael! Good speller, good musician, good actor (come'on, Chris Keller is awesome!) and oh so good looking!
Megg have you seen the first 2 episodes this season? Intense!
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sat 13 Sep, 2008 3:02 AM Quote
I am very happy with the CD Moray sent me. It's called "SCOTLAND THE WHAT?" and it's really fun. I like that a lot of the singers you can tell are Scottish. Also he sent me a lovely letter. I said this before but he and I must have subconsciously decided to have a "who can ramble the most" contest. I was happy to be paired with a fellow rambler.

Thoughts on tracks:
Disclaimer: if I misspell a band or song name, please blame Moray. His handwriting in some parts is fine and in special. Precious really.

1) King Cresote: Home in a Sentence - piano intro is great, nice melody
2) The Proclaimers : Letter from America - I like the song (esp. their accents when they say "no more") but it made me sad when I really listened to the lyrics. Just sad about how many people had to leave their country.
3) Camera Obscura: Hey Lloyd! - this is one of my favorites. Love her voice. It reminds me of the Sundays' singer and Mazie Starr.
4) Belle & Sebastian: Judy and Her Dream of Horses. Another track I really connected to. Melody, instruments. The whole kit and kaboodle was good.
5) Adele: Make You Feel My Love. Touching lyrics. Gorgeous voice. What else can I say besides add this to the "Moray finally wins Megg and/or Goosey over mixtape CD"
6) The Guillemots: Annie Let's Not Wait! - Mad props for including an "Annie" song. Three extra gold stars for that. Another strong song. Just fun to listen to.
7) The 1990s: See You at the Lights - Another catchy melody. Several times I've found myself singing the "ba da da da" part.
8) Mull Historical Society : Animal Canibus. I like the singer's voice. Also the synth and various tinkly background noises.
9) Infadels: Free Things for Poor People. Much more pop/techno than I usually like but it still caught me and I like it.
10) Biffy Clyro: Who's Got a Match. (fun fact: Moray's handwriting makes it look like "Bitty") I like the chorus and the guitar.
11) Sons & Daugthers: Darling. Another good female singer. Driving rock beat and song.
12) Glasvegas: Daddy's Gone (or Game or Eone depending on how you look at the chickenscratch). I LOVE THIS SONG. Melody, singer's accent, the drums, how it builds, the old school "oo oo whoo oohhhs." Lyrics touching and sad.
13) Idlewild: El Capitan. Pretty song. Didn't really grab me one way or another.
14) Paolo Nutuni: These Streets. I know this song and already know I like it. The lyrics tell a good story about moving from a little (oh heck, wee) town to London. I like his voice and how he mixes folk and soul elements.
15) Deacon Blue: Dignity. I didn't dislike it but it kind of bored me. (sorry!)
16) Runrig: Loch Lomond. It sounded like a very traditional tune and sure enough according to Wiki it was first published around 1841. It's a grand tune and Moray gave a great description of being at a football game when this was played. It gave me goosebumps and I could picture this being a very powerful "crowd" song.

Thanks again Moray! You did a great job.

your biggest Austin fan
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 5323
goosey_84 Posted Sat 13 Sep, 2008 6:23 AM Quote
umm...not to be a wah wah but i still haven't gotten my mixtape...bummer.
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sat 13 Sep, 2008 1:42 PM Quote
goosey_84 wrote:
umm...not to be a wah wah but i still haven't gotten my mixtape...bummer.

That is a bummer. I think your avatar sums up your feelings. Maybe you and Nikki should send one to each other.
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 3592
Monica Posted Sat 13 Sep, 2008 3:01 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
i was wondering what Gavin Degraw song it was. A person I only know bc im a loser and watch One Tree Hill.

I watch One Tree Hill too, hahaha. I like it :$ Watching 6x02 right now :p
Re: The Mixtape Exchange (THE DRAW)
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Sat 13 Sep, 2008 3:59 PM Quote
weirdmom wrote:
goosey_84 wrote:
umm...not to be a wah wah but i still haven't gotten my mixtape...bummer.

That is a bummer. I think your avatar sums up your feelings. Maybe you and Nikki should send one to each other.

Join the club, girlfriend. Nice avatar, btw, hehee. I didn't get one either. No offense to you Miss Goose, but I don't feel like sending out another...I'm sure you don't either, lol.
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