
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 11:26 AM Quote
Moray wrote:
My night was made when a taxi pulled up at a set of lights, a dude leaned out the window and shouted "WALLY! I FOUND YOU!" And then threw me a pack of chocolate buttons.

Hahaha!! I love this lol

We had a Halloween party at our house which was totally insane... My friends and I were perfectly well behaved and quiet... The adults on the other hand... lol I will post pictures later, my Dad's costume was really quite scary...
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 12:51 PM Quote
Moo I love that the adults were the trouble makers.

I forgot to share that I found a piece of paper in the kids' buckets that was an ad from a Mary Kay rep. (that's a make-up company if you don't know)

Not that I buy that brand anyway but DON'T ADVERTISE IN CHILDREN'S CANDY.
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 1:28 PM Quote
i had to deliver posters to the band umphey mcgee and was able to split before the critcal mass thing started . I was stoked !
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 2:49 PM Quote
My jack-o-lantern

my graveyard cake. Yes the Leafs did die in 1967!

Required candy-handing-out tights

Me. the Paperbag Princess. What my hair looks like post mornings, pretty much

The fire breathing dragon and the paperbag princess. I dont look scared at all.

Thing i announced to everyone after only 3 beers that went to my head. "OMG guys! Moosehead was founded in 1867! The same year as CANADA! Isnt that awesome??" blank stares.
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 3:58 PM Quote
Full album here:

Where's Wally Gallery

Selected highlights:
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 4:00 PM Quote
so funny Moray! the last one is my favourite as you went to the effort of spotting the camera half way across the room.
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 4:08 PM Quote
Last one was a total set up - "Hey Moray, go stand way over there and we'll take a photo!"
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 1635
Chiito-chan Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 4:11 PM Quote
those pics are so so funny! I love all, and your costume too, btw i have found you in the last one.
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 4:21 PM Quote
Moray wrote:
Last one was a total set up - "Hey Moray, go stand way over there and we'll take a photo!"

couldnt you just pretend?
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 7598
weirdmom Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 4:41 PM Quote
I just looked at the whole album. Too funny! I guess you have it set so you can't comment so I'll ask here: did funny running Paul run in that ridiculous costume?

Because I would pay money to see that. Not a lot, mind you. But something.
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 5:17 PM Quote
Anne, if you go to the album from Moray's profile you can comment. Im assuming the link he posted is an external album or whatever it is called so that people not on facebook can see it.
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 5:27 PM Quote
My Friends and me
My Mum and Dad
Me and some small children who insist on calling me Auntie Moo and like following me
My Friend's pumpkin 'Burn'
My other friend's and my Pumpkin
A Boffin of the Evil kind
Another small child who calls me Auntie Moo.

I dressed as Snow Fright ;-P


P.S. Loving the pictures Moray... If only I could find you in them! (Ooh bad joke of the day lol)
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 1635
Chiito-chan Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 5:44 PM Quote
Love your pictures Moo! and your dad's costume! the kid of the last one is so cute :)
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
Posts: 560
moo_the_evil_boffin Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 5:47 PM Quote
Chiito-chan wrote:
Love your pictures Moo! and your dad's costume! the kid of the last one is so cute :)

Thanks :-D Every time I looked round my Dad was there in that costume- frightened the life out of me lol. That's my youngest nephew, Leo. He looks sweet an innocent there... Looks can be deceptive lol, he was running around chasing me with a plastic sword moments earlier :-P
Re: Happy Halloween Boardies!
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window
Posts: 7556
I Came in Through the Bathroom Window Posted Sat 01 Nov, 2008 6:37 PM Quote
Kristy, Moray and Moo, those are excellent pics! Thank you for sharing! :o)

Moray you shouldn't have said that the last one was a set up! It's the best one!
The whole album is hilarious xD.
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