
Re: voting
Posts: 1918
Moray Posted Tue 04 Nov, 2008 8:10 PM Quote
Fran wrote:
McCain is the past and Obama is the future. I just wondered because I haven't met anyone who will be voting for McCain. Seems rich folks are voting for him and pro lifers but wondered if there were any of you that were gonna go the other way and if so why?

I'm all for Obama. He holds himself so well, he looks and sounds like a statesman already. He really excites me and I truly hope he gets into office. If he does, I think it could be the most interesting President since JFK. Obama just seems so positive, and you can sense that if he gets in it'd be a real period of change.

It seems Obama has the young liberal student vote all wrapped up, and also he's an absolute hero for the African American voters. Listening to the radio it sounds like it'll all be won and lost in the blue collar workers vote in middle America. McCain seems to appeal to the slightly older, religious, conservative with a small c voters, but it really could go either way i think. Whatever happens it'll be exciting

Also, it's great to see polling stations queued out the door isn't?! It's restoring my faith in the politics of the western world. That maybe we aren't a world of apathy, and that people do care and genuinely want to make a difference and affect change.

Phew. I'm getting all emotional!
Re: voting
Posts: 75
NewBaby Posted Tue 04 Nov, 2008 9:01 PM Quote
reasoning for voting for mccain, because I have asked these people too:

my one friend votes pro-life
my other friend says she wants someone with her background/religious views to make decisions.
my brother says he is conservative and doesn't trust obama
my other brother, well, he voted obama- I said if I vote yes for a casino in ohio, then he would vote obama. but initially he was concerned about taxes.

so there are some reasons. it is what it is. I can't fault these people for their reasoning. even if I don't agree with it. these are my favorite people!

I can't wait for results to start coming in! I woke up today like it was christmas and I couldn't sleep last night. no problems in my area at the polls and I only waited about an hour...

fran- come hang out in ohio for a few hours and you will meet people that are voting mccain. and I am sure that would be the case is you went to a number of midwest states. not exactly sure who you're talking to or where you are, but republicans are out there...
Re: voting
Posts: 125
OHMEATPIES Posted Tue 04 Nov, 2008 9:38 PM Quote
minnmess wrote:
I read that if the world could vote, Obama would win 4:1. Please my American friends, vote for us, the rest of the world!
your Canadian Friend.

Oh, another Canadian! I totally agree. Neighbors, please be wise with your votes.

I heard yesterday on the news about the Obama city in Japan. They say Obama is on everything there. Shirts, houses, even rice cakes. :)
Re: voting
Posts: 55
cartoonmatrix Posted Tue 04 Nov, 2008 9:53 PM Quote
I voted for Obama. I would have voted for McCain in 2000 but not what he has become. His choice in Sarah Palin sealed the deal for me.
But I think it will be a tight race actually. It will be closer than predicted but I think the republican party has shot itself on the foot. It is time for the democratic party to do the same so we can move towards something more than a two party system.
Re: voting
Posts: 2076
Meridith Posted Tue 04 Nov, 2008 10:12 PM Quote
Fran wrote:
McCain is the past and Obama is the future. I just wondered because I haven't met anyone who will be voting for McCain. Seems rich folks are voting for him and pro lifers but wondered if there were any of you that were gonna go the other way and if so why?

The state in which I live (Utah) is very conservative and heavily Republican. I do know many that are voting for McCain. With saying that though, many are tired and ready for a change and are voting for Obama. My parents are McCain supporters but they do not fall into the rich category. They are middle class. The are for pro life but that's not what their main concern is. Their main concern is the economy and they don't agree with what Obama wants to do to fix it. They believe that it's not fair to tax the rich higher taxes just because they are rich and can afford it. They feel "Why should someone who has worked really hard to get where they are and happens to be really successful at it, have to pay more taxes than someone who hasn't done the same hard work?" Anyway, that's just one of their reasons for voting for McCain. Although, they typically vote Republican anyway.

My husband and I both voted for Obama. We feel he is the change we need.
Re: voting
Posts: 1287
RaZzZ Posted Tue 04 Nov, 2008 10:30 PM Quote
jesusaremus wrote:
RaZzZ wrote:
Fran wrote:
is anyone voting for john mccain?
seems everyone i speak to is voting for obama.

Amhh... i am not American XD

But i dont know who is the best =S

By what i understand, Mexico is in America, so, Argentinians, Peruvians, Canadians etc are even Americans, still don't understand why USA is called "Americans" when the whole continent is "American"
If i was a USA Man, i would definately vote for Obama, i think he's a thousand times better than Bush. So now as an union will affect even us. The North-American Union in 2010 with Canada, USA and Mexico. So, at least for this three is now important the president chosen on the USA.

You are right, i dont know why the called AMERICAN the USA people.
I was listening about that union. Does anybody know more about that UNION?
Re: voting
Posts: 10115
ricv64 Posted Tue 04 Nov, 2008 10:35 PM Quote
Fran wrote:
McCain is the past and Obama is the future. I just wondered because I haven't met anyone who will be voting for McCain. Seems rich folks are voting for him and pro lifers but wondered if there were any of you that were gonna go the other way and if so why?

I've talked with below the poverty line people who like McCain . I was pretty shocked but they're there
Re: voting
Posts: 125
OHMEATPIES Posted Tue 04 Nov, 2008 10:37 PM Quote
RaZzZ wrote:
jesusaremus wrote:
RaZzZ wrote:
Fran wrote:
is anyone voting for john mccain?
seems everyone i speak to is voting for obama.

Amhh... i am not American XD

But i dont know who is the best =S

By what i understand, Mexico is in America, so, Argentinians, Peruvians, Canadians etc are even Americans, still don't understand why USA is called "Americans" when the whole continent is "American"
If i was a USA Man, i would definately vote for Obama, i think he's a thousand times better than Bush. So now as an union will affect even us. The North-American Union in 2010 with Canada, USA and Mexico. So, at least for this three is now important the president chosen on the USA.

You are right, i dont know why the called AMERICAN the USA people.
I was listening about that union. Does anybody know more about that UNION?

Oh. I just understood why people here are so obsessed by the elections.
For the Americans thing, some people just started saying USAian. Or UnitedStatian. I admit it's not pretty name, but that's how they sould be called, right? The technically live in the USA.
Re: voting
Posts: 368
melissa Posted Tue 04 Nov, 2008 11:36 PM Quote
RaZzZ wrote:
jesusaremus wrote:
RaZzZ wrote:
Fran wrote:
is anyone voting for john mccain?
seems everyone i speak to is voting for obama.

Amhh... i am not American XD

But i dont know who is the best =S

By what i understand, Mexico is in America, so, Argentinians, Peruvians, Canadians etc are even Americans, still don't understand why USA is called "Americans" when the whole continent is "American"
If i was a USA Man, i would definately vote for Obama, i think he's a thousand times better than Bush. So now as an union will affect even us. The North-American Union in 2010 with Canada, USA and Mexico. So, at least for this three is now important the president chosen on the USA.

You are right, i dont know why the called AMERICAN the USA people.
I was listening about that union. Does anybody know more about that UNION?

I agree, we are american too! and we're not from usa
I want a change but a real change you know, but I don't know who wants it!
it's a big responsbility, so u must to vote.

we need love and peace, not war, fight and hate.

Re: voting
Posts: 41
noreply9 Posted Tue 04 Nov, 2008 11:57 PM Quote
I am a 22 year old college student from GA, and no one in my family is any where near rich and I voted for McCain. I dont really agree with either candidates' policies, but McCain is an American hero (that cant be denied) and his age in itself gives him experience that Obama just doesn't have yet. Maybe I relate more to McCain because my grandfather went through a similar thing in WWII. I hate it when the way someone votes ends up being a mark against them. A vote is a personal thing and no one should tell anyone they're right or wrong for what thy believe. This election has brought out the worst in so many people.
Re: voting
Posts: 8142
minnmess Posted Wed 05 Nov, 2008 12:17 AM Quote
first results:
Obama has 3 electoral seats from Vermont
McCain has 8 from Kentucky
Re: voting
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 05 Nov, 2008 12:26 AM Quote
Fran wrote:
McCain is the past and Obama is the future. I just wondered because I haven't met anyone who will be voting for McCain. Seems rich folks are voting for him and pro lifers but wondered if there were any of you that were gonna go the other way and if so why?

Right on, Fran!

I'm assuming you're in New York. That's why you haven't met anyone voting for McCain, lol. Here in the Midwest the picture is much different. It looks like here in Michigan Obama has a good hold this time around (hopefully), thanks to areas like Detroit. But it's one of those states that swings. I voted Obama and our family is middle class. But where I'm from in Oakland County (one of the richest counties in the US) EVERYONE has McCain signs...except for me with my lone "No Third Term" poster, lol.

This is my second election. The first time around I voted for Kerry. He was alright, but it was a vote against BUSH. This time, I didn't vote against McCain...I voted FOR Obama. He's an exciting, inspiring, smart person and, like you said, Fran...the future.
Re: voting
Posts: 60
MikeCALIFTRAVIS Posted Wed 05 Nov, 2008 12:27 AM Quote
I actually like John McCain when he first ran in 2000. McCain has always bucked the trend, tried to accomplish campaign finance reform, publicly disagreed with Bush on Iraq, etc. Bush played dirty politics in South Carolina during the primary and beat McCain.

This year, McCain took a page out of the Bush playbook, accused Obama of "palling around with terrorists" while Wall Street falls to the ground. While this country and the world needs direction he's talking about ridiculously unimportant things. Didn't help he picked Sarah Palin as his running mate. I am sure she is a nice person, and stuff, but jeez, she only got a passport last year! She just wasn't ready, and is still not ready to be president if she needed to be. Even Republicans agree with that.

So, I voted for Obama based on the above. Seems he's an inspirational leader, has some decent policies, lets hope we can create a positive future.

Why not celebrate an Obama win by recording another new album Fran? ahahhaha

Re: voting
Posts: 7519
Nikki Posted Wed 05 Nov, 2008 12:30 AM Quote
Oh, and Kristy...I did get my free Starbucks, lol.
Re: voting
Posts: 911
carlottarocks Posted Wed 05 Nov, 2008 1:16 AM Quote
I 100% voted Obama and am a military wife. Needless to say I never discuss politics with anyone I know from the Navy. McCain, being prior Navy, wants to cut benefits for military men who do not retire military. How on Earth does that make sense?! So even though my husband will have given 5 years to the Navy, with Mccain in power, he'd have crap afterwards. We've made so many sacrifices for the Navy and it would be shit to just be thrown back into civillian life with nothing. So, yea, Mccain, what a stand up guy.
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