
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 731
alyrtle Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 5:49 AM Quote
I've decided I'm allergic to summer :(
Keep sneezing and sore eyes!!
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 2545
SamuraiSandy Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 3:41 PM Quote
alyrtle wrote:
I've decided I'm allergic to summer :(
Keep sneezing and sore eyes!!

me too! all winter i think, 'ooh, can't wait for summer!' then summer comes, and i realize along with it comes everything i hate: the bugs, the allergies, the heat...
okay. i'll stop complaining now!
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 69
AsYouAre Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 4:01 PM Quote
The heat and the mosquitoes!!!!!!!!!!!I hate it
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 4:13 PM Quote
Sleepless nights as it's way too warm! Then getting seriously agitated and in bad form because of it!!! :(

Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 4:18 PM Quote
BASTARD wasps.

I got stung on the palm of the hand last night.

What is the point of a fucking wasp?

The sticky heat too is draining.
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 625
Joe Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 4:23 PM Quote
Wasps are basically like Soviet spies: they try to go unnoticied by dressing upp in the same colours as bees, but, as there are so many of them, everyone can detect them so easily that the buggers take revenge by knobbling the witnesses with poised stingers (thinking of umbrella tips, here).
harry potter
Posts: 1443
harry potter Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 4:29 PM Quote

sticky heat. what in the name of God would you lot know about real frickin' heat?

Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Tue 12 Jun, 2007 4:40 PM Quote
Hmm tis true.

I had to stand for a few hours outside Bridgetown airport in Barbados with not one sniff of a breeze.

It was so hard to even try and breath.
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 2850
Peewee Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 2:36 PM Quote
Thunder and Lightening!!!! :-((((((((

It scares me! :-/
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 2:37 PM Quote
No, Thats My Phobia.

Get your own.
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 2:40 PM Quote
neighbours that open wide their windows ; so that everybody can hear what goes on in there ???
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 2:40 PM Quote
Are we talking Hanky Panky here?
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 2:41 PM Quote
Darran wrote:
Are we talking Hanky Panky here?

this and people talking, TV, radio....
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 8468
AbsolutPurple Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 2:44 PM Quote
AbsolutPurple wrote:
Darran wrote:
Are we talking Hanky Panky here?

this and people talking, TV, radio....

birds singing....
Re: Worst thing about the Summer?
Posts: 2012
Darran Posted Thu 14 Jun, 2007 2:46 PM Quote
Your neighbours are birds?
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